Chapter 27: Good Intentions

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Barry's P.O.V.

It had been nearly three days since I'd last seen Haven. Three days since she'd dashed out of the room after kissing me without a single explanation for her actions. She'd left me dazed, stressed, and confused beyond belief. I didn't understand what the heck was going on with her, but I was giving her her space. Hopefully, she'd come back after she dealt with whatever it was that was making her act so... Sporadic.

As I walked to STAR Labs this morning — rather than racing ahead, I felt like I could use the extra time to simply slow down and think about everything that was going on in life at the moment — I stopped by Jitters to grab a cup of coffee. Right now, I wished that Iris was still working as a waitress at the coffee shop. I needed to vent to my best friend, and she just seemed too damn busy these days to be bothered by my problems. It seemed like I had become a notion shoved to the back of her mind as everything else around her moved to the forefront. I just hoped I wasn't completely losing her. I honestly couldn't handle another important person in my life completely forgetting me.

Standing in line, I looked around the room, my gaze casually scanning over the people in the café. Most of the people in the coffee shop were younger businessmen and women making a quick pitstop on their way to work, but I also spotted a few teens hanging around before school.

The one thing I wasn't expecting to see, though, was Haven lounging at one of the tables talking over her coffee with Damien sitting across from her. I watched on, confused and a little hurt that not only had Haven been avoiding me but Damien had known where she was apparently. It looked like you really couldn't trust anyone...

Haven's eyes flicked over to where I stood, and we locked stares. There was absolutely no denying that she'd seen me. Just as I thought about heading over there and trying to see what was going on, Haven leaned across the table and planted her lips on Damien's, stunning me to a standstill as I watched on. Her eyes glanced back once at me before closing again, as if she was making sure that I was, in fact, watching the whole scene go down right before my eyes.

I'm not very good at explaining emotions, but I can say this. Seeing Haven, the girl I was hopelessly in love with, kiss another guy after clearly knowing I was in the same room as her, watching, hurt just as much as getting beat up by every villain I'd fought and every bone I'd broken combined. Maybe times ten. Honestly, if Wells had ripped my heart out with his extreme speed like he'd done to Cisco in the alternate timeline, I'm pretty sure even that would have been better than what I was feeling right now.

Just like the last time I'd seen both of them in Jitters earlier that week, I turned and left the coffee shop without a single glance back. Only this time things were much worse. Because there couldn't possibly be another explanation for what I'd just seen.

Without a doubt, Haven had clearly moved on. And maybe it was time that I did the same.

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Haven's P.O.V.

I wanted to throw up, punch myself, pull my hair out — anything to distract myself from the guilted pain I was feeling. I knew I was doing the right thing, but that didn't make it any easier to watch Barry's heart shatter right in front of my eyes. How could villains possibly ignore this feeling? I felt beyond awful. I was sick to my stomach.

Three nights ago, I'd discovered that I could create portals by combining the elements of light and darkness that would transport me to wherever I desired. Since then, I'd been working on forming an opening that would be able to traverse time so that Wells would be able to leave Barry out of his plans and allow me to do the "honor" of getting the insane man back to his timeline instead.

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