Chapter 26: Puppeteer

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"Why did you bring me here?" I snapped as I stood defensively, ready to spring into action if needed. If he even laid a finger on me or Eddie, I swear...

"As much as I would like to see you dead again, Miss Knight, I need your help, and I need to keep you alive for that," Wells sighed as if he was bored. Then, the smirk reappeared, and there was a mischievous glint in his eyes. "For now, at least."

"And what makes you think I would ever help you?" I scoffed with a dry half grin.

"Because I know how to get back all the memories you're missing."

My confidence faltered, and I stared at the man with shock. First, how the heck did he know I was still unable to recall some things? He hadn't been there when I'd first awoken in the Batcave nor had he been in the cortex when the rest of the crew had learned of my reappearance. Second, how was he going to manage to restore my memories? Not that it would make a difference. No matter how badly I wanted those memories.

"And what if I say no?" I snarled.

With the rage and hatred boiling within me, I could feel the dark half of my powers growing, expanding, becoming more and more powerful. It would be so easy to succumb to the darkness and let it consume me entirely, but I couldn't allow it to take over. If I learned anything in my short life so far, it's that balance is the key to everything in this world. Every Yin needs its Yang. I guess I was the literal example of that idea.

Harrison Wells paced a lazy circle around me slowly, threateningly, that little sneer of his perpetually on his face. "Oh, Haven. For someone so smart I'm surprised you'd think I'd let you have a choice in this matter." He stopped walking, his head tipping up as his eyes bore into mine. "No, no. You will assist me whether you're willing or not."

I raised a brow. Had he gone insane? Well, yeah. Obviously anyone who traveled from the future and stole another man's body should be classified as at least a little crazy, but that wasn't the type of insanity I was referring to. He of all people knew that threats wouldn't force me to succumb to anyone's requests. It just wasn't in my nature to give in. I would literally rather die than do something I knew was wrong.

Apparently though, Wells wasn't using any threatening to get me to do his bidding. He was using something — someone — much worse.

Out of the shadows another figure gradually appeared, one who's presence I had somehow missed when I'd first been brought into the lair. However, the lack of detectable energy from the newcomer was the least of my concerns as my mind went numb with shock as the individual's features became more noticeable, sharpened by the contrast of shadows and lighting in the space. I'd kind of hoped I wouldn't ever have to see him again. I must have had bad luck, I guess.

"Haven, you remember Max," Wells grinned wickedly as he gestured to the boy who now stood beside him.

"Unfortunately, yes," I muttered as I fixated my gaze on Max. There was a single emotion burning in his eyes, and that was hatred. Hatred directed solely at me. But why did he dislike me so much?

I didn't have to wait long for my answer as Max adopted the same cruel smile Wells was wearing, his voice low and menacing. "You seem surprised, Hav. Were you not expecting me?"

"Why would I expect you?" I countered. "It's not like I really have a burning passion to see someone who hates me. So tell me then... Why are you here?"

"Revenge," he hissed as he took a quick step forward. Out of instinct, I jumped back a bit, my back pressed flat against one of the concrete pillars.

"Revenge for what?"

"You practically killed my girlfriend! My love!" he roared. His lip was curled up menacingly as he spoke, like he was a rabid dog or something. It would have been sort of amusing if I wasn't so frightened by his rapidly building aggression.

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