Chapter 6: Cold as Ice

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It took a week before Barry got back his powers. An excruciatingly long week. I'd almost offered up my powers just to see him run again, but it had turned out to simply be a psychological block that only he could overcome. Now he was finally up and moving again, and I honestly could not have been happier.

During his hiatus from saving the city, I'd taken up his duties. While my main focus was based mainly around the meta-humans, I had also worked to fill his roll as the city's hero, though he was undeniably more heroic than I could ever be. I'd thought the job would be a walk in the park, but I could not have been farther off the point with that thought. Day after day filled with hours of crime fighting, burning buildings, and other accidents had begun to take their toll on me. I didn't understand how Barry was able to do all of it while also maintaining a day job and a social life. He really was a freak of nature in every sense of the phrase.

Still, even with the fatigue the job came with, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I had actually been a little frightened when Barry was able to run at his full speed again because I didn't want to give up what I'd only just gotten the hang of. Thankfully, Dr. Wells finally decided that I was done with my training, and now I was out helping Barry on every mission. It was kind of fun to have a superhero buddy around, someone who knew what you went through on a day to day basis.

Still, there was no easy day in the life of a hero. Today was no exception to that rule.

I just made it into the lab, finally wearing something new for once. Dr. Wells had decided to give me a paycheck for my contribution even though I had refused every time he'd asked. He wouldn't take no for an answer, though, and I really did need the money, so I'd ended up taking him up on his offer. Soon enough I would be able to pay for a small studio apartment in the city. For now, the cave continued to be my home.

"Nice clothes," Barry noted as he came in a few minutes after me. "Are you going to get mad at me this time for noticing?"

"Mmm... Nope. I'm in too good of a mood today," I teased with a smile. "Lucky you."

"Are you guys actually acting like friends?" Cisco feigned a gasp. I shot him a glare, but I couldn't help the smile from peeking through, and I ended up chuckling in the end.

I had noticed that Barry and I had gotten a lot better around each other since that night at the power substation. I wasn't sure what had really formed the bond, but I was thankful for whatever it happened to be. It helped to have a partner you worked with everyday who's company you truly enjoyed. Even if we didn't hang out much with each other outside of the lab yet, I could feel that we were getting closer to that type friendship, like he had with Caitlin and Cisco. And his friend Iris. Goodness, he talked about her a lot.

From the moment he'd spoken her name for the first time around me it had been clear of his feelings towards the girl. Being a complete and utter romantic since I could understand what love was, I had this knack for knowing what people were feeling. Well, except for what people were feeling towards me. For some reason that always seemed to be the one flaw in my ability.

Still, even if he did talk about her maybe a little too much, I would never tell him to stop. If I felt that way towards someone -- like I had towards Max, I suppose -- I would definitely be talking just as much as Barry. Sadly, I was living the lonely single life these days, and I hadn't met anyone who sparked the feeling of butterflies and skipping heartbeats yet. It's not that I didn't want a relationship. I just hadn't thought to look at anyone else after I'd met Max. But, now that he was gone, I was slowly warming up to the idea of getting back into the dating scene. I'd just have to find the time for it.

Almost as if she was reading my mind, Caitlin spoke up.

"Well, since Barry and Haven seem to be getting along now, what do you say we all go out tonight?" Caitlin suggested, her eyes glistening with excitement. "It'll be fun guys! We've all been so busy lately. It will be nice to just be able to be normal people for at least one night."

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