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Chris's POV:

"What if they think I'm weird or uncomfortable?"  While bouncing her leg up and down, y/n was sitting in the passenger seat of my car, rambling to me about how all my friends wouldn't like her. She had always been that kind of person who got nervous when meeting others, and for some reason I felt like that was somewhat contradicting to her personality. Y/n had an amazing, loving and overall supportive personality, it would be highly unlikely the other wouldn't get along with her.

"What if they ask something about Hannah and Beth? I didn't knew them very well, I wasn't as close with them as they were..." She put her knees to her chest, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. I sighed and offered her a warm smile, hoping I could provide some type of comfort.

"C'mon, Y/n, there's nothing to worry about. I'm here and I won't leave you alone, okay?" I rubbed her arm, promising I wouldn't leave her with the others. I could imagine how awkward that would be for her, and the last thing I wanted to do was put her in an uncomfortable position.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry you had to take me with you." She spoke, wrapping her arms around her knees and leaning her cheeks on top of them. Honestly, this might be good for her, since lately she hadn't gotten much social interaction with anyone except for me. She had always been scared of talking to strangers. Even as kids she had always been extremely shy.

"I invited you to join me, remember? We'll be up there and settled in no time." I parked the car and got out, grabbing our bags from the trunk, as Y/n was waiting for me at the entrance of the cable car station.
"Y/n, you can go in, I'll catch up with you later." She shook her head, nodding towards the inside of the station.
"T-there's somebody inside... I don't wanna go alone." I grabbed the last bags and walked up to her. It was cold outside which wasn't unusual at this time a year, snow covering the mountain and offering us a beautiful view. But while it was indeed a truly magical sight, the cold was preventing me from enjoying it properly.
"I've always loved the view up here... just look at that!" She turned her head and her eyes immediately lit up, just for a moment completely taken by the view. While she eyeing the mountains, I opened the door of the cable car station and carried the bags inside. It took a while for Y/n to snap back to reality and follow me inside the station.

"Chris!" I turned  my head and saw Jessica sitting in the cable car, waiting for the arrival of someone else so she wouldn't have to go up there on her own.
"Hey, Jess!" I quickly hugged her, and while I did, her eyes fell on a certain someone behind me. She raised an eyebrow and gave Y/n a gentle smile.

"And who do we have here?" She cooed, walking up to her and holding her hand out for Y/n to grab. With an awkward chuckle, Y/n returned the gesture and introduced herself.
"H-hi, I'm Y/n. Chris' sister... w-well, step sister to be exact." Jessica's eyes wandered up her appearance, not hearing a single thing Y/n had just said to her.

"Chris got a girlfriend! She's pretty!" In response Y/n quickly pulled her hand away and shyly looked down at the ground while I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck.
"No, she's my stepsister... she just told you." I mumbled while looking at Jessica, who was blushing even harder than Y/n was.

"I'm so sorry, I thought... because you... never mind." I just chuckled awkwardly and carried our luggage into the cable car, Y/n following me with every step I take.
"Are we ready to go?" Jessica and Y/n nodded and I started the cable car. There was a comfortable silence during the short trip up the mountain, everyone just staring at the beautiful scenery outside the cable car.

We arrived at the top of the mountain, and luckily it was only a short walk to the lodge, me and Jessica just having some small talk, while Y/n was following us and carrying her bags.
Arriving at the lodge, I knocked on the front door. I could hear hustling from inside, and then Josh' face appearing through the small window inserted in the door. As his eyes met mine, they instantly lit up with excitement.

"Hey, bro, how's it going?" Josh  opened the door and immediately pulled me into a tight embrace. Compared to the temperature outside, Josh was incredibly warm and I couldn't help myself from enjoying the heat wave that came from within the lodge.

"Haven't seen you in a while, buddy!" I spoke after we pulled away, carrying my bags inside as Jessica quickly followed after me.
"Looking good, Jess!" "Nice to see you too, Josh." Josh chuckled and Jessica quickly hugged him, desperate to get inside and warm up.

"And who is this pretty lady here?" Just the tone in his voice was forcing me to roll my eyes, Josh had always been a huge flirt, but still I hoped he would go easy on Y/n. Unfortunately, it didn't seem like he was planning on doing so.

"Back off, Josh. This is Y/n, remember? I'm surprised you don't even recognize her." At the mention of her name, he snapped his fingers at the familiar name.
"Right! Y/n, it is a pleasure to finally meet you properly!" He gave her a bright grin and quickly ushered her inside, closing the door behind him to lock away the cold wind coming from outside.

"Nice to meet you too, Josh." She answered very shy and Josh just smirked at her.
"C'mon the rest is in the Living room." We all grabbed our bags, following Josh into the living room.
"Jessica, Chris!" Everybody turned around, standing up to hug each other properly. After everyone had hugged the unfamiliar presence of Y/n was detected, and everybody turned to her. She blushed under their gazes, but waved her hand quickly.

"Hey Josh, New girlfriend of yours?" Mike chuckled, and the turned to the guy to see if that was actually true. But Josh shook his head, laughing at Mike's statement.
"I wish, this is Chris' stepsister, Y/n. She's joining the party this year."

Emily took the chance to walk up to her, and with eager eyes she grabbed her hand and forcefully shook, taken Y/n by surprise.

"Nice to meet you, Y/n! I'm sure we'll have lots of fun together!" After Emily all the others took turns shaking Y/n's hand and greeting her.

While I did, I couldn't help but notice Josh, who's eyes seemed to be glued onto Y/n's presence. I nudged him, and his head snapped towards me.
"Stop staring, bro, that's my sister." I said, a hint of disgust evident in my voice.
"Geez, Chochise... she's pretty, you can tell that you're not related." I punched his shoulder playfully, and returned an insult back at him, causing the two of us to burst out in laughter.
I noticed Y/n seemed to get along pretty good with the girls. Which was a great thing.

As long as she stayed away from Josh.

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