Chapter 10

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Y/n's POV:

"Don't you think it's a bit creepy that someone is watching us?"

I ignored her words in favor of searching for some kind of light source. Of course it's creepy, why the hell were there even cameras installed inside the lodge. It would be highly unlikely that they were hanging there for safety... who would want to break inside a lodge in the mountains.

"Jesus, they have their own cinema?" You gawked at the ginormous room, and you let the torch you stole from Ashley roam over the walls of the area. Chris nodded, letting his own torch shine over the several posters on the wall. Famous horror movie action figures were placed on a little table on it right. I inspected one of them, moving its tiny arms and smiling slightly.

"Horror movies, great." Ashley mumbled to herself. I let my torch shine on the screen, when suddenly in the corner of my eye I noticed an open door.
"Guys..." Chris and Ashley turned towards me, while I pointed towards the door. There were some strange marks on the floor, which looked like some kind of footsteps.

"The person was limping... you can see that by the distance between the steps." Chris pointed out. I walked through the door, following the footsteps through the house. They didn't seem to have a literal direction, more as if the person walking was trying to search for something. Odd.

As the three of us walked into the next room, the door behind us slammed shut with a bang, making me yelp in response, Ashley and Chris jumping as well. My hand immediately grasped towards my heart, and a deep sigh escaped my lips as my tense shoulders relaxed.

"What the actual fuck." And while I tried to convince myself it was just the wind slamming the door shut, as I passed the room and reached towards the second door, it slammed shut on me as well, and hit me against my wrist. Cursing I rubbed over the hurt area, rotating my wrist to get some blood to the injured spot.

"You okay?" Chris asked to which I nodded. There weren't many ways out of the room, so our choices were limited as there were the two doors that slammed closed and apparently locked by themselves, and one remaining door which was still not inspected. 

"Lets try this one." I spoke, and walked towards it. As I neared the wooden entrance, the door creaked open by itself, forcing goosebumps to cover my skin. At this point I wasn't sure if we were supposed to go in there, it seemed like the maniac was forcing us to go this way. We could continue and walk right into his trap, or leave and abandon the chance of finding Sam. It was an easy choice in your opinion.

"This is so effed up." Chris exclaimed as he motioned Ash to stay behind him. I nodded in agreement, but my curiousness led me to walking further into the room and inspect the area. There was a doll house on my left, which wasn't something extraordinarily scary, but I had always had this thing for dolls.

As I shined my light upon a corner in the room, a womanly figure walked right across the room and into the next one. I dropped my flashlight. Did I see that right? It couldn't be... There was no way that I just saw Hannah walk past us. My face paled and I continued to stare at the spot where the figure disappeared.

"What's going on? Y/n?"
"She was there? I saw her... How could- She's-" I rambled, not getting the picture of Hannah out of my head, Her long dark hair haunting me as some kind of ghost.

"Who did you see, Y/n?" Chris held my shoulder, and Ashley stood next to him, looking at me with a worried expression.
"I saw Hannah! She turned the corner and-"Chris rolled his eyes at my words, which slightly hurt. He cupped my cheek and offered me a gentle smile.

"Y/n, we've been through hell, okay? Your mind is fried, my mind is fried. I don't even trust what I've been seeing." He had a point, and while I couldn't get the image out of my head, it was probably just the adrenaline that caused me to hallucinate. 

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