Chapter 13

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    "Josh!" You jumped up and called out to him, cursing under your breath as he already disappeared behind the metal door. Rising from the floor, you scanned the room for your clothes, noticing he neatly folded them on a chair in the corner, which you couldn't help but find sweet.

"Josh..." You ran around the table, towards the door Josh left out of. You stood in a hallway, with at the end a large metal door, which was slightly rusty and probably hadn't been opened for years. Jogging towards it, you found out it was actually opened, and with a loud groan, you pushed against it and forced your way through.

At the other side of the door, Sam, Mike, Ashley, Chris and Josh himself stood, the four friends all staring at Josh with wide eyes. They hadn't even realized you had entered, and for a moment you were unsure how to react as well. 

"What are you talking about, you ass hat? Jessica is fucking dead." Mike snapped at the boy, who looked at him with a confused expression on his face.

"What?" Your eyes widened at the mention of Jessica's name. You decided to show yourself, before things got out of hand.

"Did you hear me?! Jessica is dead..." Mike stepped towards Josh, who slightly stepped back and stared at Mike in fear. You could see Mike's hands clench around the gun he was holding, and you quickly made your way over before he would do anything rash.

"...and you're gonna fucking pay you dick!" Mike swung the gun in his hand towards Josh' head. Josh flinched, but before Mike could hit Josh', you stepped in front of the guy and took the hit with your arm, making you flinch at the pain shooting through your arm.

"Stop it!" You snapped towards him, and forced the gun out of his hand. As you placed it under the hem of your jeans, you pushed Mike back with the tips of your fingers, covering the weapons with your t-shirt to ensure it was out of sight.

"Y/n? Where have you been?" Chris questioned you, as Sam untied him. You pointed towards the metal door you came out of.

"I wandered into Josh' hands, he kept me in there for a while. He revealed himself in there." Pointing in the direction of the metal door, you made everyone glare at Josh once more, which only fueled your ever growing pile of emotions.

"But what the hell is this? You were planning on hitting Josh?" You questioned the taller male, who only scoffed in your face.

"He's sick! He has no clue what he is doing. Trust me, I saw it myself." 

Mike didn't seem to agree, and he shook his head while pointing towards the guy.

"That maniac killed Jessica."

"Do you have proof?"

"Do we need any?" You looked at Mike with wide eyes. The way he talked about Josh made you sick. They were friends. What happened?

"Did you really just say that? He's your friend!"

"Where were you when Jessica died?" You asked, eyeing Josh carefully.

"There are these mine tunnels... I didn't know they were here..."

"At what time?" He groaned, stepping towards you, trying to be intimidating as he looked down at you. You raised an eyebrow at him.

"I don't know... 1:30?" At his words Sam stepped forward, joining the conversation.

"Josh was chasing me around that time..." Mike turned to Sam, who stared at him with an confused expression. Josh chuckled behind you, and the sound was so unfamiliar it was as if someone else took over his body. He was a completely different person.

Barely Alive - Josh Washington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now