The end

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You looked down at his grave. His name was carved into the stone with swirly letters.
Tears ran down your face, the salty liquid staining your cheeks. Sam placed a hand on your shoulder and slowly started to caress your covered skin in support. Chris was a sobbing mess, his shoulders shooking as he cried over the grave. Mike was staring down at the ground sadly, biting his lower lip hard, trying to contain his sobs. You looked up slightly, seeing some people already leaving. You noticed his mother, looking down at his grave with an expression so heartbroken it made your heart ache. His father wasn't even there. apparently he couldn't cope with the loss of his son and decided not to face his lifeless body. You had to admit, it was indeed hard to look at your friends body, peacefully laying in the beautiful black coffin. The shiny material looking dull as the rain poured down onto it. You accidently choked out his name as they lowered his coffin into the ground. Sam placed her hand on your shoulder, and you glanced at her.

"he's in a better place now..." You nodded, biting your lip. Everybody left once the coffin was fully lowered, and you quickly scanned your eyes over his gravestone. You then gave his grave one small smile, blowing him a kiss before following Sam.

R.I.P Joshua Washington
Died of having too much swag

The end



Barely Alive - Josh Washington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now