Chapter 26

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Your heartbeat was rapidly beating, you didn't want it too, but your body responded to the current situation. Being pressed onto the ground while a mutated guy was licking at the base of your throat, was not exactly something you could easily stay calm at. Josh seemed to notice every little movement you made. He could feel every breath you took, and sense your state of fear.

You were breathing through your nose. Your face was being pressed against the cold tiles, as Josh eagerly sniffed at your neck and nibbled at your collarbones. One clawed hand was keeping your head pressed against the ground, while his other held your arms pinned above your head. 
Soft whines and grunts escaped his ripped mouth, and everytime he did you felt your heart skip a beat. Josh had been so unpredictable. He could go from crying in the corner, to screaming his lungs out and banging his hands against the metal door. 

You knew you couldn't keep this up. You couldn't stay under him forever, and you needed some way to escape. You could get out of this situation in only two ways; you could try to convince the doctors to get you out, or you could try and talk to Josh.

At the moment, the first option seemed the most safe, since Josh was still too uncertain. You sighed deeply, Josh tightening his grip on your hands when you did so. With a shaky voice you began speaking.

"P-Please...He hasn't done anything yet. Let me out, you got your evidence right?!" It was useless. These scientists weren't going to let you out soon. They needed something, something that could tell them about Josh. Something that would show them how he could be cured...

"Josh..." He turned silent. He pulled his mouth away from your neck and looked down at your curiously. Even though it was dark in the room, you could clearly feel his gaze on you. His eyes pierced through your skin as if he was insoecting your whole form. His grip was still as strong as ever, but it had not changed since you first started speaking.

"Josh... I need you to remember me..." It was still silent. Josh' presence was there and you could feel his rapid heartbeat through his pulse. You waited for any kind of response, while trying to control your pounding heartbeat.
You felt his breath against your cheek. Your breath hitched and you opened your eyes. You glanced to the side, only to meet one of his looking right at you. You jumped slightly at the sudden eye contact, but you kept lingering your gaze on him. 

"You know me. You saved me before becoming this... Blackwood Pines.... The wendigo's..." He kept staring at you, increasing the amount of discomfort the longer he kept his eyes on you. You could only see his eyes, the rest of his face being covered in the darkness of the cold room. You swallowed the lump in your throat.

"Please, Josh. You know me... Y/n, Mike, Sam, Chris.... H-Hannah, Beth-" 

He screamed.

You flinched at the sudden sound, and felt tears prickle in your eyes. You could barely believe this was a sound created by Josh. It sounded like it was ripping his vocal cords apart, but apparantly he couldn't care less. He was screeching as if he was in agonizing pain. 

He let go of you, only to retreat into a corner, and whine to himself. You gasped as the weight was lifted from your body, and you quickly crawled into the corner opposite him, trying to stay as far as possible from him.
Did you trigger him? You must have. Maybe it was because you mentioned Hannah and Beth, maybe it was the only thing that still connected Josh to his humanity instead of the creature he was turning into.

You  blinked a few times, not knowing wether your eyes were open or closed. You let out a shaky breath, before deciding to challenge him even more.

"I killed them, Josh." He whined, almost sounding like a plea for you to stop talking about it. It sounded desperate and hopeless, the sound of a broken heart.

"I killed them! I killed Hannah and Beth!" He screeched louder and you winced. You felt tears rolling down your cheeks in fear and desperation. You wanted the old Josh back. You needed him back.

"They deserved to die!" Within a second, you were pushed down onto the ground. Josh' claws digging into the skin of your shoulder, ripping the skin apart and making a crimson red liquid dribble out of the wounds. They trickled down your arm and caused stains to cover the floor beneath you.
You cried out in pain, but with each sound you made, Josh just got even more angry. He shook you by your shoulders and screamed in your face.

"They didn't deserve to die!"

You turned silent. Your eyes widened and your lips were slightly parted in surprise. His grip loosened as he looked down at you. You just stared up at him. He let go of you, dropping you onto the concrete floor, making you wince at the intense pain in your shoulder. He crawled back into his corner, and started circling his finger on the ground again.

"J-Josh... You t-talked..."


Long time no see! Thank you for all of those who have been waiting for me to update. I'll try to update more regularely , but since I kinda lost interest in this fandom, I have a lack of motivation to write for it.

But I promise to finish this story eventually!

Hugz & Kisses - Leah

Barely Alive - Josh Washington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now