Chapter 9

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Y/n's POV:

"We need to get back! Josh couldn't have disappeared, someone or something must have taken it." Chris spoke, arms wrapped around his knees as he sat on the floor, his back against the side of the couch. Ashley sat on the armrest, arms folded over her chest as she was lost in her own thoughts.

"Wait... aren't Mike and Jessica supposed to be in here?" I questioned, eyeing the cabin before averting my gaze towards Chris. He nodded in response, a similar expression appearing on his face.

"Lets check the cabin, maybe we can find a clue of where they went..."He offered, to which I nodded. We began to explore the somewhat big cabin, rather impressed by its actual size compared to how Josh had described it to be.  

I noticed a strong breeze, which came from a window at the front door. Chris pointed towards the waving curtains, noticing that the glass had been broken. I furrowed my eyebrows and inspected the broken pieces.

"What happened?" I mumbled to myself, running my finger over a sharp edge and accidentally cutting myself. I winced and began to wave my hand, hissing in the process of doing so.

"Are you okay?" Chris examined my hand as I held it up, looking into the small scratch before saying I was going to be fine. Not as if I didn't know that, but I still appreciated the gesture.

"I really think we should head back..." 

Chris walked towards Ashley, who seemed so dazed you wondered what kind of drugs she could have taken. Chris cleared his throat, but there was still no response.

"Josh would've been more useful..." I mumbled under my breath, but immediately felt the guilt pound at my chest as Chris turned to me with a broken expression. He gave me a disappointed look and I sighed while rubbing the back of my neck. It truly had been rather mean what I said, and in whatever situation, my words were uncalled for.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that... I shouldn't have said that." I apologized,  folding my arms over my chest and glancing down at the ground.

"Lets just go..."

I walked towards Ashley, who was biting on her nails while mumbling something to herself. Carefully I nudged her shoulder, and her head snapped up to me with confusion flickering in her eyes.

"We're going back to the lodge... are you ready?" She nodded, lifting the ax in her hands and offering me a gentle smile. Luckily she hadn't heard what I said just now, and maybe it was better left unheard.

I pulled the door open, and while there wasn't an actual threat that forced us to run, we did it anyway. It was snowing heavily, meaning the ground was more slippery, which I found out by slipping and falling face first into the snow. 

I grunted at the cold that hit my face, but couldn't really recover from the fall, as Chris pulled me up by my arm and forced me to keep up. I stumbled once more as he pulled me, but quickly got back up my feet and followed the two in front of me back to the lodge.

It took only a few minutes to reach it, and as we busted through the front door, we quickly locked the door behind us, and took a moment to catch our breaths. We knew nothing was following us, but we couldn't help the adrenaline running through our veins as we tried to catch our breaths.

"Alright...we're safe." Ashley nodded, not feeling very comfortable at the darkness of the lodge, and walking over the a familiar closet before opening it.

"I noticed Josh placing it here... it worked a few hours ago." She flicked on a flashlight, and shined the bright ligt right into our faces. Chris and I smiled at the source of light, and offered Ashley a thumbs up.

Barely Alive - Josh Washington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now