Chapter 18

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You winced as someone slapped you in your face. The person's palm harshly came in contact with your cheek, making you jump up. Placing your cold hand over the hurt area, you glared at Sam, who was hovering above you and inspecting you with a worried look.

"Y/n? You all right?"She asked, and you rolled your eyes waving your hand at her and motioning her to move.

"Of course. I'm perfectly fine..." You mumbled, immediately standing up, stumbling slightly and taking support in Chris' shoulder. You pinched the bridge of your nose, before blinking your eyes a few time, meeting everyone's worried stares and offering them a small grin.

"Y/n you passed out." 

You nodded and shrugged.

"Most likely, but lets just keep moving." Sam shook her hand, and stopped you by grabbing your arm. You glanced back at her over your shoulder, and gave her a glare.

"Y/n, maybe you should head back-" 

"I'm fine." You snapped at her, and pulled your arm out of her grip. You ignored their stares as you continued your way through the mines. It smelled horrible, but you were positive this was the way towards the sanatorium. 

Your feet walked through the little puddles on the ground, making the sound of the water splashing echo through the rock halls. It kinda freaked you out, but you got over it after a few minutes.

After a few minutes of walking, you arrived at an open space. There was light seeping through the small gap at the roof of the cave, and it revealed a broken ladder, a rail and several mine carts. You groaned at the sight.

"We're never gonna make it up there!" Ashley exclaimed, but you took a closer look at the wall. It almost represented a rock wall, and you knew you could easily get to the top if you tried hard enough.

"No no no, I think I can... I think I can do it. It's like... a rock wall." You turned to Sam, who was also looking the big wall up and down. You looked back at the rest, who were curiously waiting for instructions.

"We're gonna keep going... You head back to the lodge." Sam nodded at your plan, and walked towards the wall. The rest nodded and turned back towards the creepy halls, and made their way back towards the lodge. 

You joined Sam in front of the rock, and nodded at her. She returned the gesture, before placing her feet on one of the rocks, you mirroring her actions. You had gone rock climbing before, but with fake rocks and a rope to secure you. This was the real deal and you were actually kinda scared.

You groaned as you pulled yourself up to place your feet on another rock. You noticed Sam almost arrived at the top, and this motivated you to keep climbing. Once you pulled your body on top of the wall, you rolled on your back and started panting heavily. You smiled to yourself as you caught your breath.

"F-Fuck yeah." You said between breaths, pumping a fist into the air, while your chest still heaved. 

Sam chuckled at your words and motioned you to get up. She offered you a hand, which you gladly took, before leaping back on your feet. 

As you inspected your surroundings, you noticed there were a lot of openings with rail roads being blocked by rocks. Right in front of you was a large wooden door. You walked towards it and harshly pulled at the handle. Locked.

"Over here!" You turned to Sam, she was sitting at the edge of one of the openings, she ,moved forwards and let herself drop into nothingness. With a shocked look on your face, you slowly approached the spot she had leaped off from, carefully leaning forward to see where she ended up.

"Come on, Y/n. It's safe, I promise!" At her words you nodded to yourself and followed her example. As you landed right next to her, she smiled and motioned to continue walking. 

While inspecting the newly found area, you noticed a faint light source in the corner of your eye. With a nudge you caught Sam's attention, before pointing in the direction of the light.

"Sam, there's something here." Sam turned her flashlight to you and nodded, following you through the creepy cave towards the light source. 

You arrived at another door, this time made of metal. It wasn't locked, but as you tried to open it, it wouldn't budge. Sam suddenly jammed a shovel she found into the lock, making it fly open. 

"Jesus Christ, Sam, where the fuck did you get that from?"

"It was on the ground over there." She explained while pointing towards a corner. 

You smirked and high-fived her, before continuing your quest. 

There was another door after the two of you walked for a while, and you were just about to slam into it with your shoulder, when suddenly a loud screech came from behind the metal.

Sam and you jumped and were about to change directions when it was suddenly slammed open. Mike fell back onto the ground, a wendigo immediately jumping on top of him, and screeching in his face. It was surrounded by fire, and looked as if it had crawled right out of hell.

"Mike?!" You and Sam both screamed in unison, eyes widening at the sight of the wendigo. 

With quick reflexes you grabbed the shovel from Sam's grip and ran towards the creature. You groaned as you hit its head with the shovel. It leaped back for a second, but raised its arms above you once you caught its attention.

With another firm hit, you slammed the shovel against its head once more, dismembering it from its neck and making it fly towards a corner. The body went limp and fell back onto the rock floor, leaving the three of you in silence. The only thing audible being the fire eating away at the wendigo's skin, and the three of you panting.

Mike quickly got up and pushed the door closed, locking it with the empty shotgun he was holding. He turned to you and sighed in relief.

"Whoa... You all right?" He asked, and you shrugged.

"Define all right?"

"Alive, for a start." You cracked a smile, and Mike returned it with a chuckle.

"Y-yeah... Alive's good." He nodded at Sam, then turned to you. He raised an eyebrow at you, and you answered with a shaking voice.

"I'm breathing, but I'm barely alive." 

He patted your shoulder, just like Sam had just done, before motioning the both of you to follow him.

"Let's find a way down to where this fucker lives." You nodded, and silently followed him.

You couldn't help but worry over Josh. You had experienced how dangerous the wendigo's could be two times now, and you hoped it wasn't too late.

"I'm coming Josh." You whispered to yourself, as you pulled yourself back up the ledge, and further into the mines.

Barely Alive - Josh Washington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now