Chapter 19

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"It's hard to think that 'thing' used to be a person..."
Sam shared her thoughts as you walked through the mines. You had your arms wrapped around you, as they were the only thing keeping you warm at the moment. Mike and Sam were walking in front of you, often glancing back. You would give them a small smile, but return the frown once they turned back around.

"Yeah... Maybe a miner." He pointed his flashlight on the path in front of you. Their voices echoed through the caves of the mines, and you hoped the wendigo's couldn't hear you. You just quietly followed Mike and Sam through the moist caves, and listened to their conversation.

"Maybe someone who worked in the sanatorium?" She asked Mike curiously, who nodded at her.
"There was so much weird shit happening up there that wouldn't even begin to surprise me." Mike was the only one of the group who had been in the sanatorium. Who had discovered the locked up creatures, and who also had set them loose. 

"What kind of weird shit?" You didn't know why she asked the question, but it didn't seem necessary at the moment. It would probably only scare the crap out of you even more. 

"Locked up wendigo's... someone was capturing them or some shit. I accidently set them loose when I blew up the place." Your eyes widened at his words. You looked up from the ground to look at the tall guy with fear in your eyes. Sam didn't seem to make a big deal out of it, but you were more than ready to confront him about it.
"Smooth move." Sam responded sarcastically, smiling like it was all some kind of joke.

"What? Smooth move? There were more wendigo's and you set them free?! How are you guys not freaking out?!" They turned to you with confused expressions. Mike shrugged at you.

"I did what was necessary at that moment."

"You didn't think about the rest of them escaping?! Killing the rest of your friends?!" Mike turned silent, and you could clearly feel the tension in the air. He stared at you with raised eyebrows and parted lips, almost seeming offended.

"I would have died!"

"And we won't now?! There could be a fucking Wendigo around the next corner!" 

He angrily stepped towards you and placed his finger against your chest, pushing you back with force. Sam's eyes widened and she warned him. He didn't care about the girls words as he stared into your eyes with fire in his own.

"I did what I had to do. We can't change that, so stop being a little whiny bitch and deal with it." He harshly pulled his hand from you. You scoffed at his attitude. You weren't up for an argument at the moment, but his decision making only increased your chances of dying, and he didn't even seem to be aware of it. 

Nonetheless, you kept walking, soon arriving at some kind of small source of water. The water was dirty and unable to see through, but at the other side there were a few more openings to go to. It was the last place Josh could be, and you were silently hoping he was there.

"Mike... is that what I think it is?" You stood in front of the drop in the water, when you heard Sam's voice. It sounded rather unsettling and you quickly caught up to them.

"It looks like some kind of grave..." You tensed at his words, and jogged up to them. You noticed sam crouched down, holding something in her hand. You slowly walked up to them, finally seeing what they found. Placing your hand over your mouth in horror, you eyed the grave of Beth.

"Oh god..." You breath hitched as Sam handed you something. It was Beth's watch. You looked up at Sam and swallowed thickly, and you could hear her sniff. You caressed the small object with your hand, confirming it was indeed Beth's watch. Her initials were carved onto the back of it, and you wiped it clean with your sleeve.

"This is horrible..." You spoke. You clung onto the watch and quickly walked away from the grave. You sunk to your knees in front of the little source of water, and stared into the water. 

"I'm so sorry this happened to you, Beth..." You whispered to the watch, inspecting the object and cleaning it with your thumb, shivers shooting up your spine at the thought of her dying down here. 

You felt an arm wrap around your shoulders, and you looked up, meeting the eyes of Mike. You could see tears brimming into them, and you pulled him in for a quick hug. 

"I know it's hard, but we have to keep moving..." 

You said, an Mike nodded, still not entirely calmed down. Mike held onto you as you walked towards the drop. Sam smoothly let her body sink into the water, her legs disappearing in the dirty liquid. You and Mike followed. 

You nodded at each other as you slowly walked through it, hands above your heads, trying to keep as much limbs untouched by the cold water.

The water was indescribably cold, and you felt your legs become numb, the sensation of pins and needles under your skin. You sighed in relieve, as you finally reached the other side and you quickly pulled yourself up. Sam was already checking the next opening, and Mike was just getting out of the water. 

He shivered and wrapped his arms around himself, once placing his feet on the solid underground. You slowly walked towards another door, on the opposite side if Sam. You grabbed the heavy handle and pulled. You groaned as it was extremely heavy, but eventually you pulled it open. Dirty water came flooding from the open door, and you gagged at the terrible smell.

 You heard Sam and Mike scream in fear, and you quickly looked at them. In front of them was a decapitated head, floating in a puddle of water. Carried by the flood, it was perfectly rested in front of Sam's feet. 

You couldn't help yourself as you gagged at the smell, and sank to your knees. The smell and the detached body part made your stomach twist, and before you knew it you were emptying the contents of your stomach on the ground. The acids burned your throat, and you whined as you finally stopped puking. A wave of discomfort and sadness filled your body, and you angrily yelled at Sam and Mike.

"I've had fucking enough of these shitty creatures! These motherfucking wendigo's can kiss my ass!" Sam ran up to you quickly, and rubbed your back as you emptied yourself even more. She looked up at Mike, who shrugged at you.

"Y/n, we're gonna get you out of here... Lets get you back on your feet." Sam helped you up on your feet, and you leaned against her as you moved into the newly discovered room.

 You gagged again as the body of the decapitated head was hanging on a hook. Dangling in the open air, making an awful scent fill the room. You turned away from it, and stared at the wooden wall next to you. The gaps in between the several wood pieces, revealed a slightly lighter room. A gap in the ceiling of the cave, revealed a figure, and you almost cried at the sight.


Barely Alive - Josh Washington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now