Chapter 28

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The sound of the weapon being fired caused your heart to drop. It rang in your ears and made your throat go dry, but instead of silence, a loud screech ripped through the tense air. Josh' skin was too strong and the bullet didn't pierce his skin at all. It grazed against him and eventually hit the wall.

Mike dropped his gun, hands shaking and nothing but fear displayed on his face. He hadn't thought this out well enough and he now stood face to face with the creature, no bullets, nothing to fight with. The moment of silence felt like an eternity and no one had a clue what to do. Josh just stared at Mike with a confused expression, one of his hands placed onto his chest, on top of the spot the bullet hit.

The weird thing was that he genuinely seemed hurt at Mike's actions. He dropped his hand and whined silently towards the guy. Meanwhile you were still thrown over his shoulder, chest heaving up and down and your eyes wide in panic. They were averted towards Josh, inspecting him carefully. Josh just grunted and proceeded to leave the building through the emergency doors. He pushed it open and winced at the bright sunlight coming from outside.

You looked back at Mike, who seemed so taken back by what happened he let you slip from his sight as the door closed behind the both of you. Now you were all alone with Josh, thrown over his shoulder and unable to escape from him. You felt your heartbeat pound in your chest, and you swallowed thickly while you scanned your surroundings. Josh was free to go anywhere, but you were pretty sure the cops or whatever would be searching for the both of you in a matter of seconds.

"Josh... You can't escape, they'll catch you.." You spoke slowly, hoping he would understand. You heard him whine, and he slowly started walking further away from the hospital. The busy streets of the city you made the both of you unable to just go out on the streets. But Josh didn't care, or didn't know. He just carried you through the streets, were people gasped and stared at his presence. Apart from his current length and the ripped cheek, he looked human enough for them to not call the police. They had no idea what he was capable of.

"Josh, put me down. People are staring..." He ignored your pleas, but did turn you so you were on his back, as if he was giving you a piggy back ride. You sighed and leaned your head against his back as he carried you through the busy streets. You turned a corner and suddenly you noticed the familiar surroundings. You had driven down this road before, and it was pretty close to home.

"Where are we going?" You whispered in his ear. You could feel him shiver under the sound of your voice, but he still ignored you. You sighed and decided it was no use, he couldn't talk anyway...

"Home... w-we are... going home."

Barely Alive - Josh Washington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now