Chapter 22

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Your heart was pounding in your chest. The sounds of Hannah's screeched filled the room, making a shiver crawl up your spine. She knew Mike was somewhere near her. She saw him move and was looking around angrily, trying to find the male. You swallowed and stared at Mike, who gave you a helpless look.

 You opened your mouth, but no sound could be heard. You averted your eyes towards the light switch. You took a deep breath.

"Hey, Hannah!" 

She was fast. Within seconds she was standing right in front of you. Her arms spread, ready to grab you. Your body seemed so tiny next to hers, and you stared up at her tall frame with wide eyes. Your breath hitched and you whimpered as your eyes widened.

Hannah had caught your small movement and grabbed your head. Your whole jaw was covered by her claws and you screamed as she pulled you off the ground. You heard Mike gasp next to you, and he mentioned your name with panic in his voice.

"Mike, go!" You snapped at him. Mike was still standing still, not being able to move by the adrenaline running through his veins. He was just staring at the scene in front of him. 

You stared into Hannah's eyes with fear, and you noticed you couldn't see any sign or even a glimpse of Hannah's beautiful orbs. They were completely white. This wasn't Hannah anymore. You gasped as she tightened her claw around your throat, making you unable to breath properly.

"Mike, run! Leave me! Please..." You screamed at him, making the creature holding you bare her teeth at you. 

You felt yourself tear up as you heard Mike's footsteps. The wendigo glanced at him for a second, but was apparently pleased enough with you, and let him run off. You expected a wave of fire, capturing you in a warm death, but all that happened was the front door slamming shut. Mike left you alone with the wendigo.

"P-Please..." You whimpered. Even though you knew it wouldn't work, you tried anything to make the monster loosen its grip around your throat. You felt yourself become dizzy, and your vision became blurry. You closed your eyes and gave in. You exhaled and let your hands fall to your sides.

But just as you wanted to give up, you felt your body crash to the ground, and a loud scared screech was heard. You tried to open your eyes, but was too weak to see properly. You noticed something holding the creature back, but before you saw who it was, you passed out.


It was so cold in the mines. Josh had such a hard time keeping himself warm. He wrapped his arms tightly around himself as he wandered through the caves, shivering and whimpering. He groaned in pain as he carefully touched the wound on his shoulder. 

Hannah had dug his teeth into his neck, before suddenly leaving him, off to find something more important apparently. His limbs felt heavy, and he wasn't sure if he was hallucinating. This couldn't really happen right?

"You're crazy, Josh... You caused this! You were just crying out for attention..." 

Josh nodded at his own thoughts and chuckled to himself.

"I-I caused this... I deserve this... Damn right, you do." 

He groaned as the pain in his shoulder intensified. He took a minute to catch his breath, and leaned his back against the rock wall. He sighed and sank to his knees.

"Why don't you close your eyes, Josh... Let me take care of you..." Josh shook his head. He knew his own thoughts, and if he'd close his eyes right now, he'd probably won't wake up.

"No... I won't wake up if I do..." His voices chuckled and shushed him.

"C'mon... just for a few minutes..." He took a shaky breath and nodded. A few minutes didn't seem so bad at the moment. He closed his eyes and leaned back. He suddenly noticed he was exhausted, his body feeling cold and numb, and his mind empty. There was a sense of pace as he leaned back against the wall. It was completely silent, and even the whispers in his head faded.

Josh felt himself drift off, when he suddenly heard a familiar voice call out.  He jumped up. His eyes wide and anxiously looking around.

"D-Did you hear that?" No response. He listened carefully, and smiled brightly as he heard it again.

"Y-Y/n?" He stood up and ignored the pain in his shoulder. He heard your shouts, and followed the sounds.
"Hey, Hannah!" He heard and he sped up his pace. You sounded like you were getting closer. Your voice became more clear, and he could even hear footsteps. He didn't notice his surroundings until he stepped into the basement. His heart was pounding in his chest, and he quickly ran up the several stairs.

"Y/n!" He yelled your name.

"Mike, run! Leave me! Please..." Josh' eyes widened and he cursed to himself. He heard you scream and beg, making him tear up.

"No... Y/n!" He finally arrived at the living room, and his eyes widened at the sight. There was a decapitated wendigo laying on the ground, as another was unconscious, laying next to the fireplace. But what really caught his eye was you. Being choked by Hannah's huge claw, struggling to breath. Josh' eyes widened and he quickly ran towards you. He knew what he was about to do could cost him his life, but as long as he saved you, he would do anything.

 He tackled Hannah to the ground, his arms wrapped around her waist as they crashed against the wooden floor. Hannah screeched at the sudden attack, and let go of you. Your body fell to the ground with a loud thud. 

Josh wrapped his arms around Hannah's neck and tried to choke her. She screeched loudly, and wildly slapped her arms around her, trying to get Josh off. Josh felt his sister become weaker, and eventually she fell to the ground, her last breath escaping her lips.

 He still had his hands wrapped around her neck, wanting to make sure she was really dead. Eventually he let go of her, and crawled away from her. He noticed he was crying. The salt tears stained his cheek as he looked at his dead sister. His eyes widened and he shook his head frantically.

"Hannah...I'm s-so sorry... so sorry..." He wrapped his arms around his knees and eyed her body with a pained expression.

"It's you who killed your sister, Josh..." His voices told him happily, as they sang her name in his ear. He just kept crying, sitting between his dead sister's body, and an unconscious friend.

"F-Forgive me, Hannah, please..."

Barely Alive - Josh Washington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now