Chapter 12

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Short update :)

You felt a raging headache pound behind your eyes, and you groaned as you came back to your senses. The room was blurry, and the light that came from the ceiling lamp was flickering on and off. You wanted to rub your eyes, but your wrists were restrained, and you discovered you were unable to move your arms and legs. This made you clear up in an instant, and as you inspected the situation you were in, you began to panic at the sight.

"Hey! Let me go!" You yelled, hoping for someone to respond, wiggling on top of the table and tugging at the ropes in hopes of escaping.

"Y/n, I see you decided to wake up."

Your eyes widened at the voice, but as you roamed your eyes around the room, you couldn't see him anywhere. That was until a finger traced your jawline. You tensed under the touch, and with shaky breaths your eyes slowly looked up. Right above you hovered the psycho, face hidden behind a creepy clowns mask.

Tears welled into your eyes as he chuckled and your heart began to pound at an unhealthy pace. His breathing could be heard clearly through the mask. He grabbed your jaw with his hand, forcing your head upwards, before inspecting it with his hands. His fingers tracing from your nose, over your cheekbones, towards your jaw, forcing shivers up your spine and your breath to hitch in fear.

"So beautiful..." He muttered to himself, and you felt a tear slip down your temple as he inspected your exposed form.

"W-What are you going to do to me?" You whispered, your voice restrained by the fear in your system. The psycho sighed under the mask, and grabbed a small pocket knife from one of his pocket. You eyed the metal tool, and held your breath as he traced it down your throat and between the valley of your breasts. As he pushed down with a little too much force, you winced just slightly as he created a small cut just below your collar bone. He gasped, which you were slightly startled by.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n. I did not meant to hurt you." He apologized, the amount of sincerity making you furrow your eyebrows at him. What the hell was wrong with this guy?

" I could cut the straps, but I think you would hate me if I did." He hooked the knife under your bra straps, pulling slightly to strain the material, but not hard enough to cut them. You narrowed your eyes at him.

"I already hate you." He chuckled at your response, and you cursed at your use of words.

"Then it doesn't matter if I did this." One bra strap snapped loose, and you grunted in disapproval. You could hear his amusement as he traced the torn fabric. He reached over your face to cut the other, but as he came closer to your face, you reached out to bite him in the arm. Unfortunately he pulled his arm back quickly, wincing as he heard your teeth clash together.

"Oh Y/n, I like you. You're feisty." You glared, the feeling of fear replaced by anger as he continued to play games with you. You trashed with your legs to try and loosen the ropes on your ankles, but the psycho grabbed your hips and pushed them back onto the table.

"Let go, you sick fuck." You spit against his mask, feeling more than uncomfortable as he hovered over your body next to the table. A sigh fell from his lips, before he leaned back and grabbed the back of his mask. You watched intently as he pulled it off, and your eyes widened as the masked stranger revealed his identity.

"J-Josh..." You spoke, lower lip trembling at the sight of your brother's best friend. Josh smiled, but the happiness didn't reach his eyes. The look in his eyes were completely different from what you had seen before, and you concluded this wasn't Josh doing all of this.

"B-but... you died..." Tears were now leaking from your eyes, voice breaking under your sobs. Josh shushed you, his index finger pressing against your lips. He went and untied your legs and arms, and you immediately curled into yourself. Josh held you against his chest, and as you felt his warmth against your cool skin, you couldn't help but grasp his shirt and cry into his chest.

"I'm right here, Y/n." He whispered, but the tone of his voice was unnerving to you. Your fingers shook as you let go of him, crawling off the table and keeping your distance from him.

"N-No... Josh wouldn't have done this." He looked confused at your statement, and stepped towards you. You held up a hand, silently warning him not to come any closer.

"You don't know Josh like I do." He answered, which only made him more confusing. Why was he talking about himself in third person? Why was he acting so weird all of a sudden?

You were lost in your own thoughts for a second, and in his rage, Josh walked over to you and clasped a hand around your throat, making you gasp and immediately reach for the hand at your throat.

"This had to be done. They deserve it!" You whined, as you felt his hand around your throat tighten. He watched you struggle for a few seconds, before he realized what he was doing. He let go of your neck and took a step away from you. You fell to the ground and started to cough, your breath hitching as the aftermath of his abuse lingered around your thoat.

"I'm... so sorry." He whispered to you, before walking out of the room, and locking the door behind him, leaving you alone and coughing on the ground.

Barely Alive - Josh Washington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now