Chapter 25

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He seemed to be getting better. Well...the symptoms' intensity seemed to decrease. He was rather silent and would only respond to your voice. The scientists had brought you back almost every day, to see if it made any difference in Josh' behavior. Now every time you knocked on the door and called his name, he would answer with a small growl or whine, giving you the sign that he indeed recognized the voice.

But today he was silent.

You knocked firmly against the door and called out his name sweetly, but as he didn't respond you turned back to the crew behind you, carefully observing Josh using their monitors.

"What did you do?" You snapped at them, making them look up at you from the monitor. One of the scientists shrugged and motioned you to join his side. You rolled your eyes and walked up to him, averting your eyes towards the screen. 

Nothing seemed unusual. Josh was balled up in a corner, staring down at the ground. One of his claws was slowly tracing circles on the stone ground, which he had been doing for days now, causing a slight dent due to the repetitive motion. He seemed dazed, or even numb. Like he had no idea he even existed. He was just spacing out.

"Why is he not responding?" You asked the scientist again, not looking away from the screen. He sighed and shrugged.

"We're not sure. He has been acting like this for a few hours now. He even refused to eat anything, which hasn't happened since last Monday." The scientist seemed to have a slight accent as he spoke.

 You could clearly hear that he was of German nature. You nodded, carefully inspecting Josh, even though he wasn't really doing anything. You hesitated for a minute, before speaking up.

"Let me inside." 

The guy chuckled, but as you turned to him with a raised eyebrow, he cleared his throat and stopped his laughter.

"We can't allow you to do that, ma'am ." You rolled your eyes and scoffed.

"You want to know what's up with him, right? Well, this could be a huge step to maybe even finding a cure. Maybe he just need something." 

He stared at you. His eyes were unreadable, and you didn't know if he would snap at you or would agree with your statement. Eventually he nodded, a gentle smile forming on his lips.

"Well, if you think that might work, I suppose we could give it a try." He gave you a rather suspicious smile, which made shivers crawl up your spine. You nodded at him and followed him as he walked towards the metal door. 

The look in his eyes and the small smirk on his lips made you feel slightly uncomfortable. He was up to something.

He pressed his hand against the finger print scanner, which then unlocked the several locks on the heavy metal door. With one hand he swiftly slid it to the side, revealing a dark room. A figure could be seen in the corner and you smiled slightly as you noticed it move.

"A-All right, I'm going in." You nodded at the scientist and he just smiled at you. You slowly stepped into the room and looked around. but suddenly the door behind you was slammed shut, making you jump and squeal. You were now surrounded by darkness.

"Doctor! Let me out!" You banged your fist against the door in panic, as you had no idea in what state Josh was at the moment. On the other side you could hear a faint voice responding.

"Don't worry. This is just to get to know his disease a little better." The native German spoke.

"If his true nature really is cannibalism, we will find out by this little... experiment." You groaned and turned towards the dark room. You could hear some shuffling, but nothing close to you. You looked around you, trying to find some sort of shape or figure.

"Josh? Joshua?" You were answered by a small whine, coming from your left. You sighed, trying to calm your rapidly beating heart.

"I-I'm here. If you need me... I'm right here." Another whine, but this time it sounded unpleasing. The once gentle sound turned a little more rough and aggressive, making you swallow. You tensed as you heard his claws scratch the stone floor, and you flinched at the annoying sound.

You leaned your back against the door as your senses tried to adjust to your current position. Your hearing became somewhat clearer and you felt your fingertips tingle.


It was like playing hide and seek.
Your voice would give him a hint of where you were, while the scent of your fear could directly lead him towards you.

He needed you so bad. The taste of your skin, and the way his teeth slowly sank into the soft flesh.
Your screams sounded like pleasurable moans to him, and his body reacted to the sounds. He could feel your whimpers and the way your shaky breath escaped your lips. He slowly got up from his position and followed his instincts.

"She's powerless. You can do it now." Josh' breathing was heavy as he followed your scent, and before you knew it, he was standing right in front of you. His hands on either side of your head, the tip of his nose tracing up your jawline as he took in your scent. You felt tears form into your eyes as he nibbled at your shoulder at the spot he previously bit.

 You gasped as he trailed his tongue over your skin and you closed your eyes. You bit your lower lip in fear of making any kind of displeasing sounds. Josh seemed satisfied with your presence, and you relaxed once he took a step back.

 A low groan escaped his throat, almost like he wanted to say something, but you couldn't understand him. Josh knew this, but he continued talking to you in his own language.

"I missed you, Y/n." He wanted to tell you, but the only thing you could hear was a silent growl.

Barely Alive - Josh Washington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now