Chapter 16

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You guys voted, and I will be continuing this story! Thank you so much for voting <3

You opened your eyes, but your vision was still unclear. The pain was intense, not only from your wound on your head, but from the snow as well. It was piercing through your skin, till the point that it felt like a million needles stabbing you. 

You tried to move, but your limbs felt numb. When you could finally see properly, you noticed you were still outside. On your lap there was a pile of snow, meaning you had been lying here for who knows how long. You were surprised you didn't freeze to death at the amount of snow surrounding you. It had isolated your body from the harsh wind, and kept your body warmth secure under the big pile.

Josh. Where did It took him? You had to go get him. 

You groaned in pain as you moved your body. You placed your feet on the ground, and tried to lift yourself up by holding the tree. As soon you were on your feet, you needed something to lean on or you would fall back down. Your legs had a hard time carrying your body, as they were almost frozen. As you turned your head, you felt something crack on your face. You gently scratched against your face, and flakes of frozen blood fell to the ground. The wound on your head had been bleeding over your face, and eventually froze against it. 

You grimaced at the idea, and decided to go back to the lodge to get help. You placed your foot in front of the other, stumbling slightly. You held on to bushes, and trees, wooden signs and poles, as you walked back towards the lodge. The jacket you wore was frozen onto your limbs, and you found it a miracle you hadn't died yet. 

It felt like you'd been walking for ages, until you finally noticed the sign saying "Lodge", with an arrow pointing down the path. You sighed in relieve, your breath creating a white cloud in the cold air. You continued to stumble towards the lodge, and you eventually saw it in the distance. A smile tugged at the corners of your lips and you sped up your pace, already craving the warmth of the lodge. You reached the steps, and with the support of the railing, you managed to reach the front door. Weakly, you pounded your fist against the door, in hopes of someone hearing you.

"L-Let me in! Sam... Chris... Mike..." As you banged your fist on the door, it suddenly flew open, making you fall to your knees into the lodge. You were immediately greeted by the warmth of the lodge, and you sighed in relieve.

"Holy shit, Y/n?" You looked up at Mike with narrow eyes, nodding and giving him a small smile. His eyes were wide in shock, and he quickly pulled you up. Several footsteps could be heard nearing you, and soon everybody joined you by the front door.

"Get her a blanket! Quick!" Chris ran back towards the living room, grabbing a thick blanket for you. You were guided to the living room by Mike, as he held you close. He used his body warmth to warm you up, and you happily curled up against him.

"Guys, this isn't good, she's way too cold..." You just shrugged, and closed your eyes. Sam grabbed the blanket from Chris, and wrapped it around you as you took a seat on the couch. You opened your eyes again, and suddenly remembered Josh.

"J-J-Josh! He was taken! We need to go get him!" Their eyes widened in panic, and they all turned to look at one another.
"The wendigo's..." Sam mumbled to the rest, who all agreed with wide eyes. You looked up at them with a confused expression. Ashley turned to you, and gently rubbed your back.
"Lets get you cleaned up. Meanwhile, tell us what happened to your head." Mike took a look at the top of your head as you explained.

"W-We were in the shed, and I thought I h-heard something. Josh went outside to check it out, and he was grabbed by this... this thing..." You felt tears well into your eyes, and Sam grabbed your hand in support as you spoke.

"I tried to grab him, I did! But it threw me against a tree, and I passed out..." Mike cursed under his breath, and quickly motioned to Chris to grab him a washcloth. Sam tried to progress all the information, before hesitating. She turned to you and explained.

"Y/n, these monsters are Wendigo's. Cannibalistic creatures who capture and eat humans. We think Hannah and Beth were eaten by one." You shook your head.

"N-No, they can't be!" They all shared the same pitiful look. You snuggled up against the blanket, before asking a question.

"How did you guys know all of this?" Mike gave Chris a glance, who suddenly turned very pale.
"There was this guy, with a flamethrower. He had been up this mountain to capture all the wendigo's. He explained everything." You nodded at Mike, but was still confused at why Chris suddenly turned pale, and avoided eye contact.

"W-where is he now?"

"He was killed by one. Chris and the guy went out to look for you and Josh, but when they arrived at the shed, you were both gone. On their way back, a wendigo grabbed the flamethrower guy, and Chris managed to escape." 

Chris went looking for you? But why didn't he found you on the side of the path?

"D-Did you walk past me?" Chris gave you a confused expression, rubbing the back of his neck as he took a step towards you.

"I was in the snow? On the side of the path, passed out?" Chris' eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He had a hard time speaking properly as you were genuinely concerned.

"I g-guess I did..." You just nodded. Mike gave Chris a look, but quickly turned back to you.

"Y/n, where's Josh?" You shrugged.

"I don't know. The wendigo took him somewhere."

"Probably the mines." Emily answered his question. Mike cursed under his breath, and quickly walked towards the stairs. Your eyes followed his presence, before asking where he was going.

"I'm gonna get Josh." Your eyes widened. Mike wouldn't survive going down the mines alone, and you all knew it. Sam hesitated before offering to join him.
"I'm coming too." You volunteered, but your offer was refused. You narrowed your eyes at him, and pushed the blanket off your shoulder.

"I'm fine. I'm coming with you. I won't change my mind." He just sighed in frustration, before motioning for you to join him and Sam. You gave him a small smile, and joined Sam at the top of the stairs. You felt her fingers intertwining with yours, as you walked down the wooden steps.

"Lets go get Josh." You nodded and smiled, following Sam towards the basement, and beginning your quest to find Josh.

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