Chapter 2

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Chris' POV:

"I'm sorry, Chris... I didn't mean to be so awkward." Y/n was trembling in my arms, tears rapidly falling down her face, sobbing uncontrollably into my shoulder. We were in one of the bedrooms, Y/n laying in between my arms on the king-sized bed.

"It's fine, Y/n. You did great, no one thinks you're awkward. Now, come here..." I hugged her tightly, and we just stayed there for a few minutes. I noticed she started to calm down, but suddenly I heard Josh' voice yelling from downstairs.

"Could you just shut up?!" I couldn't understand the rest he said, but it certainly sounded like not much good was happening down there. I looked at Y/n and I saw she was sound asleep on the bed. I walked out of the bedroom and closed the door.

"Josh? What's going on?" I jogged downstairs, walking into the living area, where Sam was rubbing Mike's back, Jessica and Ashley whispering things to each other.

"What happened? Where's Josh?" Sam looked at me before answering.
"He went to the basement to get some more wood for the fire, he's... uh... Mike asked him about his meds, and he kinda... freaked out." I looked at Mike who just sighed and responded to Sam explanation.

"I asked him if he still took his meds, and he said yes, but I guess he was a little... offended? He yelled at me and went to the basement." I sighed. I know how Josh could get, he had his moment were he would just freak out, or got angry all of a sudden. Knowing how to deal with it, I started walking towards the basement. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I banged on the door, trying to get some response.

"Josh! Open up! It's me, Chris!" It was silent. I sighed, getting my credit card out of my pocket. It took me a few minutes, but I finally got the door unlocked, at least, that's what I thought.
The door opened and Josh stepped out, carrying several pieces of firewood.
"What's up, Chochise?" He smiled at me and walked past me in the direction of the living room. I followed him.

"Josh, you alright, bro? We haven't heard much from you lately,  and we just wanna make sure you're alright." As he walked into the living area, all eyes were on him. He ignored all the stares and went straight to the fireplace, stacking up some wood.
"I'm fine, it's nice to have you all back here, and let's just forget about what happened and just..." he stood up and turned to us before continuing his sentence.
"...fucking party!" Everybody cheered, Mike patting Josh' shoulder and cheering along.

Ashley's POV:

"What's up with Josh?"

"You know what he's like, probably has some mental disorders or something." I nodded along with Jessica. The sudden tension between Josh and Mike was actually really entertaining. A week without anything happening, would've been so boring. Chris, Sam and Mike followed Josh into the kitchen, getting something to drink.

"So, how are you and Mike doing?" I asked Jessica who started blushing like crazy.
"We're alright, he's really sweet, I do still feel some tension when he's around Em, but I guess I'll have to get over that feeling." I nodded. I noticed it too, there's always something up with Emily, always flirting with other people boyfriends, just to get some attention.

"I kinda get what you're feeling, Em's a bitch, we all know that now, we just have to get along, otherwise this trip won't end up as us being friends anymore."
Jessica chuckled, agreeing with me, we could get along very well.
"I'm gonna get something to drink." I stood up and looked down at Jessica.
"Mind if I join ya? She asked while wiggling her eyebrows.
"It would be an honor." We both laughed and walked side by side in the direction of the kitchen.

Y/n's POV:

Chris was gone as I woke up.

I could remember hearing his footsteps walking out of the room, closing the door behind him. It was silent. I could hear yelling coming from downstairs, but I ignored it. My body felt weak, due to the sudden anxiety from previously. My body was still slightly shaking, I felt horrible. Maybe a nap would make me feel better.

I tried to fall asleep, but my body refused to. I got out of bed, and went to the bathroom, located right next to the bedroom.
I looked in the mirror. There were dried tear tracks on my cheeks and my eyes were red and puffy, you could definitely see I had been crying. I cleaned my face with some cold water, I could see my eyes becoming less puffy. I walked out of the bathroom, heading downstairs, where I could hear pop music playing, and the constant laughter of the group of friends.

"Y/n! Glad you decided to join us!" Chris slurred, already a little tipsy. I just smiled and walked past him, quickly grabbing a drink from the fridge before joining the others in the living room.

"Hey Y/n, how are ya?" Sam asked standing on the other side of me, and I smiled at her attempt to talk to me. I nodded.
"I'm feeling a bit better now, let's party!" Chris looked somewhat shocked and slightly chuckled at my words, putting one arm around my shoulder.

"Let's put on some good music, shall we?" Josh went to the sound system connected to the speakers, putting on a playlist that seemed very appropriate for a party like this.
Everybody sang along. Josh and Sam killing it on the dancefloor, switching partners every now and then. I sang the lyrics of the song, while letting the music take over my body.
I haven't had so much fun for a while. Josh took my hand and started dancing with me, I laughed and started blushing like crazy when Josh winked at me.
Next up was one of my favorite songs. I started pulling Sam to the middle of the circle we were all standing in, and started dancing, Sam laughed and copied my ridiculous dance moves. Jess and Mike looked like they had a fun time together, and even Ashley and Chris were moving to the beat.
We did the Macarena, while Ashley tried to teach Josh how to move his hips, which ended up looking like Josh was having a stroke. The group laughed at his attempts to body roll, and overall you couldn't remember a time when you had this much fun.

We ended the night with a somewhat slower song.
After that we all just started leaving the party, one by one going in their own direction, I noticed it wasn't even midnight, and I just hung out with Chris, Ashley, Sam and Josh in the living room area.
We were just having some small talk, when we heard a loud scream coming from upstairs, which followed by Mike screaming Jessica's name.

"Shit, Jessica!" 

If you're confused about the constant Pov change, it's because there are a lot of characters, and I want to write about all their Pov's. So each chapter there are going to be around 3 different Pov's.
Just wanna let you guys know. - L

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