Chapter 30

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You had no idea how long you had been sitting in his living room. It was as if time didn't exist. You felt exhausted but also not tired at all.Your body screamed for sleep but you didn't feel like closing your eyes.

Josh had been crying for about an hour until he fell asleep from his own exhaustion. His body was leaning against yours, chest slowly heaving up and down as he silently enjoyed the slumber he was in.

You decided it was best to let him sleep for a while, after all he had been through he could at least escape his current situation. It seemed like a good idea to explore a little around his home. His parents probably wouldn't be home any time soon, and maybe you could find something that would soothe Josh' raging emotions. A picture, object or even a certain smell.

With this in mind you began to shift from under Josh' body, making sure he wouldn't wake up by placing several pillows in the position you had previously been in. This seemed to work and you succeeded in making it to the kitchen without making any noise.

The kitchen seemed ordinary, until you started to look at all the details.. There was a huge black marble countertop that had some kind of glistening substance inserted into the stone, making it seem as if you were looking into a galaxy. The material was covered in dust and as you ran your fingertips over it, they were covered in grey. The Washington's didn't cook much you figured, or rather they weren't home much. The fridge was completely empty and the only thing that was completely filled was this weird wine closet thingy, which was overly supplied with the alcoholic liquid.

Continuing your way through the house, you quickly returned towards the front door. You had sat on the stairwell previously, but now you slowly walked up the black painted wooden steps. Once you reached the top you were greeted by a unbelievably long hallway, at least 6 doors on each side and several paintings and pictures hung on the walls between the entrees.

Your goal was to find Josh' room, but as all the doors to the rooms seemed similar, that wouldn't be as easy as expected. The only way to find it seemed to be checking every single one of them...


30 minutes later you felt like slapping yourself in the face, because not only had you looked into every single room to not find Josh' , but you had completely missed the huge sign pointing towards the attic saying "Director's Paradise" with a huge winky face painted next to it. If that wasn't screaming Josh Washington, you wouldn't know what would.

The attic was dark, and you hesitated if you even dared to go up there, but if it meant making Josh happy in any kind of way, you'd do it... after mentally preparing yourself.

If you still had your phone with you, and hadn't dropped it in the hospital, you could have used your flashlight. So now you wandered up the little steps towards Josh' bedroom.

Opening the door, you immediately shrieked as you came face to face with a huge statue of Freddy Krueger, holding his claws just a few inches away from your face. A flashlight up to its face so the shadows and contours only increased the creepiness. The details so defined you thought for a second that it would actually move.

With a hand over your heart you shuffled passed the guy and wondered: "What the actual fuck, Josh."

But after you found a light switch and flicked it on and revealed in what kind of bedroom Josh actually slept in. Your eyes widened at the fully decorated room, the theme of it obviously being anything related to directing and also a hint of horror. The lights in his room resembled the spots they would use on a movie set, and it gave the room a cozy glow. His bed was pretty average, black velvet like headboard, with a small nightstand next to it. You wouldn't even think about opening those drawers.

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