Chapter 11

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Here ya go! ;)

The three of you discussed your situation, knowing that this wasn't just something paranormal chasing you, but instead the maniac who probably planned all this. The only thing that was bothering you at this point was how this person knew about all that happened. Was the person there last year? Was it one of your friends? So many questions, and even more came the longer you searched for Sam.

" Lets keep moving." Ashley and Chris both nodded, walking towards different directions to inspect the current room you were in. You walked towards a table on your right, grabbing the pair of scissors that were on it, and stuffing it in your back pocket.

'Just to be sure.' You thought and continued to follow Chris further into the room. Moonlight shined through the dirty windows, and it created a beautiful white glow, which was quite ironic for the situation you were in.

 You turned a corner and saw Ashley inspecting something from the closet next to her. A doll head. The eyes were broken, giving the doll a scary looking by the two holes in the head. It was balled and there was dirt all over it. Ashley turned the doll's face towards her, and suddenly several cockroaches crawled from the little holes, making her squeal and drop the head to the ground.

"This is so messed up!" She groaned and followed Chris. You grimaced at the sight of the cockroaches, and also followed Ashley towards Chris.
You arrived at a room full of boxes, and accidentally walked into a mannequin, making you jump back. You looked the thing up and down, and followed Ashley and Chris into a whole other section of the house.

"Wait... is this even the lodge anymore?" Chris' flashlight shined over the walls. The paint was chipped and the curtains hanging on the side, were ripped and stained. As you walked into the other section, the wood under your feet creaked, and the sound echoed through the halls.

"Are you kidding me? It goes even further than this?"
"Do you know this was here?" Ashley asked Chris, who seemed surprised by his surroundings.
"This? This is like a whole 'nother hotel. I had no idea this was here." 

You grabbed the flashlight from Chris' hands, walking over to a cardboard box in the corner of the room. A rope secured it shut, but the corner was ripped, which revealed the corners of a stack of newspapers. You looked at the label on the front of the box, but you noticed it was taped over the actual label. You pulled it off, and it showed you the address of a new paper publisher.

"These are fake..." Ashley walked over, crouching down next to you and tracing her fingers over the corner of one of the newspaper.
"Why would anyone make fake newspapers?" Ashley asked, more to herself than to Chris or you.

"That's... a good question." You narrowed your eyes at the fake newspaper, before standing up again and continuing your quest to find Sam.
You arrived at a stairway, leading to another level down. It was extremely dark down there, and you were hesitating to continue.
"I can't do this..." Ashley muttered, rubbing her hands over her face, while sighing deeply.
"C'mon, Ash. we can't stop now." She knew you spoke the truth, and at this point it was impossible to turn back. She nodded and followed you down the creepy basement. You made sure to shine your flashlight all around you, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. 

The sound of Chris' footsteps behind you, calmed you a bit, and you felt Ashley's presence right behind you. The only light source was the broken roof above you in the next room. You quickly stepped into it, before gasping at the sight.

"No way..." Chris said, while letting his eyes roam around the room. On the wall to your left there were several sharp tools. Hooks, blades, and a lot more sharp objects, but the thing that was so unnerving was that they were covered in blood.

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