Chapter 33

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You had no idea where they would be coming from, but each door seemed suspicious as you tugged Josh with you to find an exit. All the lights had been turned off on purpose, but you wondered if that would be of any help if they already knew where you and Josh were hiding.

You were pretty sure Josh wasn't exactly aware of what was going on, but by the way he let you guide him it was clear he knew something bad was gonna happen. He had already been told that whatever happened, he shouldn't attack anyone, not even if your life depended on it. Because if Josh would lash out like previously done, you were sure they were gonna lock him up again, or worse; take him down.

Josh was heavy, and every step he took forced the wooden floor to loudly creak under his weight. It was impossible to move without any sound, which made escaping the house more speed based instead of silently getting out. You needed to move quickly or not at all, staying was not an option.

"Josh, which way is the forest... you know,  the one you and Chris always went fishing..." You tried, but unfortunately he pointed towards the front door, which was definitely off limits. You cursed under your breath, desperately trying to think of a plan. But as the adrenaline rushed through your veins, and the ticks on the clock seemed to sync with your increasing heartbeat, it became impossible to think clearly. This couldn't be the end of it, this shouldn't be the end of it.

You couldn't let go of him like this, giving him up to the police or whatever was searching for him was something you'd have to avoid at all costs. Because if they would treat him like an animal again, you were afraid he would never return to his old self again. It had been a real task to get him to this point already, and all the effort of trying to turn him back would get lost as they locked him up.

"Josh... I can't promise you we'll get out of this." You didn't dare to look at him, feeling as if you betrayed him by telling him your thoughts. "If anything happens to me, just go. Escape on your own, I promise I'll find a way back to you." You confirmed your statement by letting go of his hand, which didn't go unnoticed. A growl came in response, one that sounded like he disagreed. He tried to grab yours again, but you refused to give into your urges of keeping him to yourself. Instead you were going to make sure he would escape this situation alive.

Noises came from the front door, and quickly after the handle of the door to the garden began to rattle as well. The both of you were surrounded, and with each second the noises increased  just as rapidly as your decreasing amount of hope, and just as they bursted in you felt the last piece fade from your mind.

They had guns, which immediately aimed at Josh' presence once noticed. Armor was layered upon their arms, stomach, and legs, prepared for the situation in which Josh did have to attack them. They moved in quickly, towards you, towards Josh. 

You couldn't react in the small amount of time you were given. They yelled at their crew mates to part you from him, to bring you to safety and split you from the person they thought of as nothing but a monster. It was overwhelming and fast, but your instincts reacted even quicker.

You jumped in front of Josh, who screeched in their direction, hoping this method would keep them away from the both of you. His voice was intimidating and mighty, and the soldiers failed in trying to mask their fear. They were shaking, with cold sweat running down their necks. Josh noticed, he could smell them. He could hear how their heartbeats quickened, and the scent of fright filled his nostrils. A scent that wasn't unknown to him.

"Stay away! He won't hurt you!" You tried, keeping him behind your back even though it wouldn't matter much. You lost, and Josh was going to be taken away from you. 

They ignored your pleas as they moved forwards. You were roughly tugged away from Josh. Struggling wasn't helping, because before you knew it you were pushed to the ground, a groan escaping your parted lips as they placed handcuffs around your wrists. You moaned at the way they twisted your arm, but with 3 men holding you down, there was nothing you could do.

Barely Alive - Josh Washington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now