Chapter 39

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It had come to the point Josh could properly function again. His mental health was back in check, and his therapist had given him permission to return to college. But while that seemed like another step closer to a normal life, actually returning after the media was all over the case was much harder than expected. 

You were picking him up, knowing he would most likely be dead nervous to return to his college life. Teachers had been informed, but it was't like the students were aware he was coming back. Josh' appearance still made people turn in the streets, and without his surgical mask, he always felt extremely self conscious. 

The tear in his cheek had never faded, just like the sharp teeth behind it. 

Everyone knew about him, it had been in every newspaper ever since they left the mountain, and people have been trying to contact Josh like crazy. Until now, you've intercepted every attempt of communication from anyone who tried, and you made sure there hadn't been any accidental contact with any news reporters about what had happened.

But now Josh was returning to college, there was no way you could protect him from all the questions they were about to ask him. 

Pulling up into his driveway, you could see his mother through the kitchen window. There's a mug of tea pressed between her palms, and there's clear concern written on her features. She's saying something, probably to Josh, because she's facing towards the hallway. 

Suddenly she jumps, and some of the liquid falls from the cup and over her knuckles. Her eyes widen and you can see she apologizes. Whatever she said, it had probably triggered Josh in some way. It happens from time to time, and you can't really blame him after all the trauma he has gone through.

The front door opens, and your met by Josh who looks more exhausted then you've ever seen. The surgical mask that covered his mouth did nothing to hide the bags under his eyes, and you figured he'd probably hadn't been sleeping much that night. 
Still, he offers you a wave, and your return the gesture before motioning him to get in. He walks around your car and seats himself at your side, pulling down his mask and attaching his phone to the aux cord.

"Hey Y/n, how's your morning?" He asks, a lot more politely than he usually does, but that's probably because of how nervous he is. In all honesty, you tell him you were somewhat anxious, and when he asks why you chuckle a bit.

"Because I hate to see you unhappy, and that's how you look right now."

Josh sighs and nods, knowing he couldn't hide his anxiety from you. Maybe that was better after all, because bottling everything up would only end up in a mess. He tried that before, and that's how he got to the point of becoming a mentally ill psycho that turned into a monster.

"I'm just not sure if I can take it. People will stare and comment, what if no one is going to take me seriously?" Josh exclaims and you guarantee him that he will not be taken as a joke, and he should remember he's actually paying for his education. They could never rob that from him.

"If anything happens, call me, okay?"


You were on another part of campus, so Josh was forced to walk alone to his next class. After you dropped him off at the counselor's office, you made sure Josh felt safe before actually leaving for your own classes. The lady was very helpful and made sure Josh got the right schedule as well as a secluded locker close to the teacher's room, so they could keep an eye on him.

Then came the worst part. Josh was dismissed from her office, and now had to walk to class alone. The surgical mask he had been wearing for weeks now, suddenly felt very suffocating, but he refused to take it off and reveal the tear in his cheek to anyone. 

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