Chapter 5

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Ashley's POV:

"So it says here, to communicate with the spirit world you must free your mind from all preconceptions, drop all inhibitions, and generally give yourself over entirely to the will of others, sublimating your every desire to the whims of the Spirit-master, which is me." Chris spoke, and I couldn't help but snort at his words,

"It doesn't say that, Chris." I responded, glancing over at Y/n who seemed to agree with me.
"...And all present will remove their garments at my soul discretion-" He continued, and I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior.

"Chris, c'mon this is serious..." Josh interupted, lighting another candle before blowing the flame of the match dead and joining us at the table.

"Oh, I'm deadly serious." Chris said with, what was supposed to be, an English accent.
"Ugh, Let's just try this..."  Josh nodded his head at my words, placing his finger on the pointer as he spoke.
"Yes please." Everybody joined him, all fingers being put on the pointer.

"Ashley, since you are a recent convert, why don't you be our medium for today?" Chris offered, and my eyes widened at the mention of my name. It wasn't if I was afraid of spirits, but the last thing I wanted was to fuck with them and have my ass cursed for the rest of my life. Yn next to me seemed to agree by the way she paled.

"Okay...Um... Anyone there? Will you reveal yourself to us? If you're there?" I started nonetheless, having no idea what I was actually supposed to say.
But to our surprise, the pointer started moving across the board, and we all turned silent in response. Our eyes glanced at one another, silently looking who was the person moving the pointer.

"Wait a minute-" 

"Did you do that?"

 "I didn't do anything-" 

"What the hell is going on?"

 "It's moving again!" 

Everybody was asking questions while the pointer continued moving, the slight sensation of panic increasing with each accuse. 

"What's it spelling? How's this happening?" Josh mumbled through our bickering, eyes gleaming with an emotion I could't put my finger on. He looked slightly panicked, as if he actually believed something was moving the pointer.
"Guys please stop, this isn't funny!" Y/n exclaimed. She was bouncing her leg up and down, her eyes gazing over all our faces, trying to figure out who was doing all of this.

"Help? How are we supposed to help?" I said while looking at Chris, hoping he'd come with at least some kind of explanation for all of this. But he seemed just as confused as any of us.

"We need to know who it is if we're supposed to help them." He finally retorted, and while everyone was scared to one point, we all knew that there was a sort of curiousness hidden within our minds. We all wanted to know more about who was talking and how this was happening.

"Who are we speaking to?" I continued. The pointer moved again, first to the S... I....S....


"Who's sister?" Josh immediately snapped, eyes wide as he stared down at the board. His voice was shaky, and he desperately offered me a glance.

"Josh... it's gotta be-"

"Yeah. Okay. Well, which sister is it then." 

I gave Chris a pleading look, but he just nodded at me to continue. I wondered if he really thought this would be a good idea. Was he the one moving the pointer? Because it would be a really sick joke if he did. 

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