Chapter 21

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You didn't know how long you had been hiding, but you weren't coming out anytime soon. Josh' screams had faded and all that was left was silence. Your body felt numb and you didn't know if you were already dead or not. It was dark around you, but you still felt your heart pounding in your chest. The idea of dying didn't even seem that bad at this moment. You had gone through enough to change your whole life, and you weren't even sure if you could survive or not. 

But unfortunately you were woken up by Mike's mouth on yours. Your eyes widened as you coughed the cold water out of your lungs and into his mouth. Mike jumped and pulled away from you, also coughing. You kept coughing, while also gasping for air. You sat up and looked around you anxiously. Your wide eyes fell to Mike's appearance as you panted. Your chest was heaving caused by the lack of air. You placed your hand on your forehead, but didn't feel anything else but cold.

"Y/n... You okay?" Mike questioned, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around you. You nodded and calmed down.

"W-What happened?" 

Mike sighed and rubbed his face.

"It's messed up... the wendigo took Josh... You were under water and couldn't reach the surface all of a sudden, so I pulled you back up." You stared at him. Processing his words. You attacked him in a hug, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck.

"T-Thank you so much..." Mike smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist. 

"It's okay, you're safe..." You nodded and felt tears well into your eyes. You pulled away and quickly looked around you. You were still in the mines.

"Lets get out of here..." "What about Josh?" You tensed and turned to him. You didn't expect him to mention it as he did wanted to leave last time. You shrugged and folded your arms over your chest.

"Not this time. We can't save him now..." Your voice cracked as you told Mike that, and you could see his eyes turn from confusion to pity. He just nodded, not saying anything. He helped you up and you continued to walk out of the mines. As Mike tried to wrap his arm around your shoulder, you flinched away from him and slightly fastened your pace. You heard him sigh, but he decided to let it slip.

After a good 20 minute walk, full of startling noises, twigs breaking, wendigo screeched and cold limbs, you finally arrived back at the lodge. You were surprised you didn't see any wendigo's on your way back, but you were extremely happy you got back without any problems.

 You and Mike noticed Sam, banging against the front door, asking for help loudly with panic audible in her voice. You quietly approached her and placed your hand on her shoulder. She screamed shortly and turned to you, calming down when seeing the both of you.

"Sam..." Mike said, looking at her in confusion.
"Shit... Mike, Y/n... Oh gosh, you look terrible..." You shrugged and glanced over her shoulder, looking inside the lodge.

"Gonna be worse if we stay out here..." Mike pointed out, and you and Sam both nodded. You motioned at a rock on the ground. Sam nodded, grabbing it and throwing it against the window. The glass shattered and the pieces of broken glass fell to the ground. You carefully slipped your hand through the hole, and unlocked the door from the inside. You pushed it open, and quickly shut it after you all walked in.

"Mike... W-What happened to Josh?" You shivered at Sam's question. You bit your lip to keep yourself from crying, turning away from the both of them. Silence filled the air, and you could hear Mike struggle. He opened his mouth, but no words came out, only after a few seconds.

"It got him." 

"Oh... What an awful way to go-" 

"It was Hannah . I could have saved him..." Sam looked at you with pity, and you suddenly noticed you needed everything else but pity. You wanted someone to hold you and tell you to keep going. That was what Josh would have done... or Chris. You felt an hand on your shoulder and you turned to Mike.

"No. There was no way you both had gotten out there alive. Josh made a sacrifice to save you." You just nodded. Sam sighed and walked towards the light switch, flicking it up. The lights brightened up the room, but Mike quickly turned them off again.

"Not good..." Sam nodded.

"What do you think we should do?" Sam questioned, leaning against the railing of the wooden stairs. Mike shrugged and looked down them, furrowing his eyebrows when noticing footprints on the wooden steps.

"We should check the basement... Might be someone left down there." You exhaled shakily and nodded, slowly following Mike as he took lead walking down the stairs. You flinched as the steps creaked under your feet. 

As you neared the basement you could hear faint thuds coming from the cinema, and your eyes widened slightly in happiness. Mike walked in and looked around. You and Sam followed.

"I'm sure I heard someone walking-" 

Suddenly Chris came running out of the door on the side, followed by Ashley and Emily.

"GO! GO, GO, GO!" He yelled at you as he sprinted through the cinema and back up the stairs. Emily and Ashley followed soon after, screaming and yelling at you to run.

"GET OUTTA HERE, GO, GOGO!" You felt your heart pound into your chest as you noticed the two wendigo's following close behind. You glanced at Sam and Mike, who were also staring at the wendigo's. Mike cursed and quickly followed Chris, Emily and Ash back up the stairs. Sam and you looked at each other, before she started running back too.

 You cursed to yourself as you hesitated on closing the door or running. The wendigo screeched and you squealed, quickly closing the door and running back upstairs. You panted as you reached the living room, but you quickly froze at the sight. Everybody was spread around the room, standing perfectly still as a wendigo, hanging on the ceiling lamp, was looking around. You glanced at Mike who looked back at you.

"Don't move. Don't fucking move a muscle." You stared at the creature, who was roaming its eyes all around the room. You heard the other two crawling up the stairs, and soon you noticed the one on the lamp saw them too. He screeched at them, warning them to stay back. 

Their claws dug into the wood of the floor as they crawled towards each other. They screeched at each other, before attacking. You swallowed as you recognized one wendigo. Hannah. She glared at the other wendigo's as they jumped at her. She was stronger. One was already unconscious as she threw it against the wall, while ripped the others head from it's body. She stared at the corpse pleased, not noticing she threw the other wendigo against a pipe. You smirked as you noticed the gas seeping out of the pipe, filling the room with explosive gas. You glanced at Mike, and you noticed he saw it too. He motions towards the lamp with his eyes, and you nodded. You smirked and glared at Hannah, before yelling in her direction.


She turned to you, quickly. Screeching and crawling towards you. You saw Mike stepped towards the lamp, breaking it with his hand. You stared at Hannah, who was trying to find you as you stood perfectly still. 

You heard rapid footsteps leaving the lodge, meaning the rest already got out, except you and Mike. You felt sweat trickle down your forehead as Hannah was now right in front of you. You exhaled shakily and stared at the creature. She eventually turned away from you, as she noticed Mike's small movement. You didn't know if Mike would survive if you didn't attract the attention of the wendigo. You could run and flip the switch or save Mike... still not sure if you would survive or not.

Run or Attract attention of wendigo?

This decision will affect your future with Josh. The option with the most votes will win. This is the only decision that will have a major effect on the story. It depends on you. Think wisely!
Thank you so much for reading!

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