Chapter 38

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Seeing Josh converse with all his friends again was a sight you'd never forget. There was plenty of laughter and inside jokes you would never understand, but if it meant seeing Josh smile it was worth more than your entire world. Chris was making fun of Josh' antlers, calling him rodent Rudolph to the point Jessica was crying of laughter and rolling on the floor.

Josh punched the side of his arm with a pout, before joining the laughter of his friends. 

Everything was all fun and games, but for some reason nobody mentioned the fact that there was someone from the group missing. Of course it was nice to have everyone around once again, but Mike wasn't there, and you felt a bit guilty to not include him, even after all he did.
You decided not to mention it until everybody left, but unfortunately Josh asked the group to stay over for the night, you couldn't wait any longer mention the elephant in the room. 

As Josh returned from the front door with a pile of pizza boxes on his arms, you sat down next to Sam with a less evident smile than the rest. Josh plopped the boxes onto the ground in the middle of the circle of friends, before sitting in his previous spot as well. Your leg nervously bounced up and down in eagerness of asking about the guy. As soon as the first box was opened, you couldn't hold it in any more and blurted out the long awaited question.

"What about Mike?"

The group immediately turned silent at your words, and a tension rose from within the group that made you regret your decision to mention him. Jessica's eyes immediately found comfort in the carpeted floor, Matt and Emily offered each other a look that seemed like a silent agreement between the two.

Josh was afraid of their reactions, but just as curious as you had been. Sam luckily answered your question without making it even more awkward. She placed her hand on your knee and offered a small sigh.

"He's at the hospital at the edge of town. After everything that happened Mike had a hard time coping... which doesn't surprise me." She explained, eyeing the group who brought all their attention to her. "He told me about how bad his night terrors had become, as well as seeing wendigo's in his bathroom mirror. His mother told him to go talk to someone, but after one session they figured the mental hospital might be a good solution to his mental state..."

You nodded, averting your eyes from Sam to Josh, only to figure out he was already staring back at you. There was a lump in your throat that only increased by the way Josh looked at you, but to avert your eyes away from him was more difficult than you had thought.

"You want to visit him?" You mumbled, and he nodded at your words. There was a certain curiosity lingering in his eyes, and you figured there was a reason why he wanted to meet up with Mike. After everything that happened, you found it hard to forgive people as easily as Josh did, but as you questioned him about that, he confessed that he was still angry as well, only he tried not to let it consume him

"I'll look up the address for you, but I can't guarantee they'll let you see him."

You shrugged, knowing that trying would already be more successful than giving up. There must have been some questions Josh needed answered as well, and while there was a chance that you would leave with none of them answered, at least there was the thought of trying to reach out to them.

Once Sam had texted you the address, you saved it in your notes, and made a reminder for you to mention it tomorrow once everybody had left.

*1 week later*

It had been much sooner than you had expected. Currently on your way towards the mental hospital, Josh sat next to you, fiddling with his hands while staring at the passing scenery. You could tell he was getting more anxious with each turn, and every time the navigation mentioned how many minutes were left, he would sigh and try to control the tremble in his fingers.

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