Chapter 1

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Emily's POV:

I did not like her, at all.

After she walked in the room, all eyes were on her, and if that wasn't enough, all the guys were practically drooling all over her. Yeah, she was pretty, but there wasn't something special about her or anything.

"Matt, babe, could you get my bags up to my room?" I looked at Matt, who's eyes were fixed on Y/n's appearance.
"Matt!" I said louder this time, finally gaining his attention as he slightly jumped at the volume of my voice.
"S-sorry, what did you say, Em?" I rolled my eyes and pointed at my bags, he nodded, taking them upstairs. I sat down on the couch next to Jessica, who wasn't my preferred person either, but fine for the moment.

I noticed Y/n didn't talk much, and I wondered if it was just because she was shy, or she'd rather stay in the background and observe.

"Cat got your tongue, Y/n?" Everybody looked at me. Y/n was blushing like crazy, I almost couldn't hide the smirk coming upon my face, but I did. She looked like she wanted to say something, but Chris interrupted her.
"Y/n is just very shy... please take care of her." Everybody looked at Y/n, and she just stared at the ground to avoid the stares pointed at her.

"C'mon, lets bring our stuff up to our rooms." Chris walked up to Y/n, and put his hand on her shoulder, she nodded and joined Chris.

Josh's POV:

"Hey bro, you alright? It's been a year, how are you doi-" I rolled my eyes. Only if they knew.
"Stop. I'm fine, I'm over it." I said while grabbing a beer from the fridge, and walking back to the living room area. All eyes were on me.
"Let's get this fire going, shall we?" They all nodded and I walked up to the fireplace, stacking up some wood.
"Have you been taking your meds, Josh?" I froze. Silence filled the air, everybody waiting for an answer.
"I have, why are you asking?" Anger filled my body. They were responsible for Hannah and Beth's death, but they still acted so innocent, like they hadn't even existed. I wanted to yell at them, scream my lungs out, but the only thing coming out of my mouth was silence. Like hell they cared, they didn't care about me, they cared about themselves.

"I'm gonna get some more wood..." I mumbled and walked to the stairs.
"N-no please, Josh, I didn't... I just wanted to-" I turned around, Mike was looking at me with a pleading expression, like he wanted me to understand, but I didn't.
"Could you just shut up?! I'm fine, I don't need all this caring bullshit..." I heard Chris call my name from upstairs, but I ignored it. Walking down the stairs, leading to the basement. I had locked the door behind me, so no one could follow me. I also locked the soundproof door I installed myself.

When I entered the basement, I could hear the pig squeeling and small feet tapping on the floor.

When I finished the job, it was silent in the basement. I noticed I was crying, memories of Hannah and Beth's invading my mind.
"You could have done something, Josh, but you didn't." I wiped the knife clean and cleaned the rest of the mess with some towels.
"They will suffer, they will know the word fear like they know their own name, they will beg me to let them go. They will know in how much pain I have lived, and they will know how Hannah and Beth must have felt. "

I walked upstairs, closing the two doors, leaving the basement in silence. Like no one has ever been in there.

Barely Alive - Josh Washington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now