Chapter 4

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Mike's POV:

"I'm better now."

I smiled at Josh and lightly patted his back. We were all really worried about him, especially after we couldn't contact him for months. 

I recall one day Sam calling, and saying she needed my help with Josh, that he was freaking out and not taking his meds, throwing pictures off the wall while violently screaming at her. It didn't sound like something he would do, but I had never experienced Josh while he wasn't on his medication.

I drove to his house, and luckily the front door was open. I could hear yelling come from inside. When I walked in the living room, Sam was desperately trying to calm down Josh, who was sitting in a corner, head between his knees, hands on his head, crying about how much it hurt. I walked up to Sam, tapped her on her shoulder, she turned around, and immediately placed her head against my shoulder. I guided her to the kitchen and tried to calm her down. Then I walked back to Josh, with a glass of water and his medication.


"Hey,Josh, Buddy... Please talk to me." I gently touched his shoulder but he flinched away.

"Leave me alone! It hurts so bad!" He snapped at me while clawing at his head. There were faint red lines covering the back of his neck, meaning he must have been doing this for a while now. Some seemed healed and others were still burning red. 

 I remained calm and put the glass of water underneath his nose.

"Josh, take these pills, it will take away your pain." Josh had several different kinds of medication, but right now he just needed something to calm his anxiety, so that was what Sam gave me.

"N-no! Get away from me!" He crawled back, I looked towards the kitchen door, where Sam stood, looking at the way Josh' chest heaved up and down.

"Josh, please. It can help you sleep." He pushed me away, he stood on his knees, hands on his head, bowing down till his forehead touched the floor, and he just sobbed.  To see one of your best friends in so much misery was causing my heart to ache. I could feel tears well into my eyes. I had never before seen him like this, and in an attempt to comfort him I grabbed his shoulders.

I hugged him, he tried to push me away, but I held him tightly against me. He kept sobbing and struggling, when at one point suddenly he relaxed. The struggling stopped and it was replaced by Josh' muffled sobs. He then grabbed my shirt tightly while sobbing into my shoulder.

"I don't want to anymore, it h-hurts so bad..." He cried.
"I know...I know, but we're here, I'm here." We stayed there for at least an hour, Sam quietly looking at us from the kitchen door.

"Josh, please take these. Your head will hurt less." He nodded, he was a little dazed, his eyes glancing over the pills before hesitantly taking them.

After a while he fell asleep, and Sam and I carried him to his bed.
"Thank you so much, Mike. I couldn't do it without you." Sam said while we walked into the kitchen.
"No problem. I've never seen him like this, he's b-broken." I choked on my own words, voice cracking under the pressure of emotion. Sam noticed and offered me a hug. I wrapped my arms around her and enjoyed her comfort.
"I'm gonna head back home, take care, Sam."  I spoke after a while. 

She nodded at me before returning to the living room. I walked out of the house, stepping in my car and driving home.

*Flashback ends*

He never mentioned it, well he probably doesn't even remember it. I looked at Sam, who was smiling at Josh.
"Hey Mike, why don't you and Jess check out the guest cabin I told you about?" Josh offered, a bright grin on his face as I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sounds like a plan, c'mon, Jess." I grabbed her hands and guided her towards the back door. Walking outside, it was snowing and pretty cold.

"Sex-iled." Jessica smirked at me.
"Works for me." I laughed. Jessica was shivering.
"How far is this 'Cabin' anyway?" I laughed before answering.
"This 'Cabin' is the coziest, most romantic, love den you will ever lay your eyes upon." Jessica chuckled.
"Pff... if we ever make it." "Oh, I have a feeling luck's on our side." Jessica giggled and grabbed my hand.
"Play your cards right and maybe you will get lucky." She winked at me.
"Hey pornstars, you're gonna need these." Josh appeared at the back door, throwing the keys to Jessica.
"Pornstars?" "I'd pay to see it." Jess scoffed, unable to hide the blush creeping up onto her cheeks, while quietly glaring at Josh.

"Uh, gross."She retorted and glanced the guy up and down as he stepped outside.
"Sorry to kick you out like that-" He apologized while looking at me, ignoring Jess' presence as he spoke.

"No worries, man." 

Barely Alive - Josh Washington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now