Chapter 27

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You couldn't remember how long you had been in there. Josh hadn't spoken since you mentioned his sisters, but you were aware of how unpredictable he could be. 

Your back was pressed against the cold wall behind you, and you felt your body become numb at the lack of warmth. After a while you had no energy anymore whatsoever and with a hoarse voice you called out for help. 

"I'm f-freezing! Get me out of here!" You whined, hoping that the sadistic man who called himself a scientist would open the door. Like usual, a small growl left Josh' lips at the sound of your voice and he proceeded to curl himself up further against the wall.

 "The door will open in a few minutes. Stay patient." A deep voice spoke through the intercom, and you sighed in relieve, a smile tugging at the corners of your chapped lips. Josh' head snapped upwards at the announcement, and his eyes scanned over the metal door.

With a groan, you lifted yourself off the ground, walking towards the exit of the claustrophobic room. You could feel Josh' gaze on you as you walked, and a shiver shot through your body at his piercing stare. With folded arms you waited for the doors to open, eventually ignoring Josh' stare on your back.

After a few silent minutes, the voice spoke once again. "Back away from the door." You rolled your eyes and took a step back as the door slowly creaked open. What you didn't expect was to feel Josh pressed against you as you walked backwards.

 You could feel his bony chest against your spine, and your eyes widened at how close he was. But Josh was only focused on the ray of light that seeped through the small opening. His eyes glanced over your shoulder and at the heavy metal door which slowly exposed more of the world behind it. A tiny whine slipped past his cracked lips, and your breath hitched as you could feel warm puffs of air against the back of your neck.

Very slowly he managed to slip past you, and your eyes widened as you noticed him walk on two legs. His form was as terrible as you could imagine, but with the length he had become, he still towered over anyone else. His hands swayed slowly by his sides as he walked, and he almost seemed zombie-like. 

Even though the room was cold, you felt tiny beads of sweat form on your skin, and the tension was insane. You knew Josh couldn't leave this room, he still wasn't mentally sane enough to keep calm outside this isolated room. He would definitely flip once he reached the room behind the door.

So with a shaky breath and hands, you watched as his claw gripped the edge of the door, slowly sliding it open even more. You took a deep breath and opened your mouth.


But it was too late. The group of scientists were now face to face with the wendigo, eyes widening at his ginormous form. His claws sharpened against the tiles of his cell, grabbed the nearest thing he could get his hands on,which so happened to be one of the persons monitoring him. 

He easily lifted the the poor guy by his collar and inspected him in an animal like manner. Everybody watched in fear as the situation progressed, but hell broke loose when Josh let out an ear piercing screech, hand tightening around the guy before throwing him against the wall, knocking him unconscious. 

Everybody panicked, scientists screamed as Josh made his way between the desks, knocking everything over as he cleared a path and trying to find the exit. 

You found shelter under one of the desks, knowing you needed to do something to calm him down. But now you saw him in the daylight instead of the dark, you noticed how he had grown even larger than before. His symptoms seemed to lessen, but this proved you wrong as he only began to represent a wendigo even more.

 You gasp as the desk that covered you was flipped over, and you glanced back over your shoulder to meet Josh' milky eyes. 

"Y/n..." He whined, wrapping an arm around your waist, and throwing you over his shoulder as you called out his name in panic.

"J-Josh! It's me, Y/n! P-Put me down! Josh!" You struggled against his grip. He carried you with him as he tried to find an exit. He reached the hallway and managed to find an emergency exit, leading straight to the outside of the hospital.

 You tried to calm Josh down, but he didn't seem to hear you. You pounded your fists against his spine, and he screeched loudly in annoyance. 

"I should have done this a long time ago..." Your head snapped towards the familiar voice. Your eyes widened as you saw Mike, holding some kind of gun in his palms as he aimed at Josh. 

You gasped and shook your head, arms motioning him to calm down. You had no idea where he came from and when he arrived, but you could tell by the looking his eyes that his only objective was to kill the creature in front of him. 

"Mike! Don't do it, it's Josh!" Josh stilled at Mike's voice and turned back with a curious expression. He growled as he saw the guy pointing the gun at him, and he purred disturbingly at the sight. 

"This isn't Josh, Y/n! Why can't you accept that?!" You shook your head as he took the safety off and aimed at his friend's head. You screamed at him to drop the weapon, but Mike had already made up his mind.

" 'M sorry, cochise..." He pulled the trigger.

"No, Josh!"  

Barely Alive - Josh Washington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now