Chapter 15

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You placed your hand on his shoulders. The pleasure was intense, and you loved the way Josh moved. His lips were on the skin of your neck, leaving several love bites, as he nipped at your skin. His cold hands slid underneath your shirt and you whined at the feeling against your bare skin. Shivers shoot up your spine, and you sighed at the feeling of Josh' fingers traveling up your torso.

"F-Fuck, Josh..." You moaned, throwing your head back, exposing your neck. He hummed in satisfaction, as you repeated his name over and over again. You connected your lips to his for a moment, before letting them linger towards his jawline.

You froze at the sudden sound of a screech, right outside the shed. You pulled away from Josh, slightly glancing back over your shoulder at the door. Josh hadn't heard the sound, and gently grabbed your chin to regain your attention to him.

"What is it, baby?"

"You didn't hear that?"

"What? No?" He glanced over your shoulder towards the door of the shed. It was tightly closed, and there was no other way in. He seemed to be a bit uneasy now as well, and with curious eyes he eyed the windows at the sides of the shed.

"There's something out there..." You mumbled, walking towards the door, and peeking out of the window next to it. Josh joined you by your side, and placed his hands on your hips.

"What did you see? It was probably just a deer or something." He whispered, before wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Josh... I'm sure. Something is out there." Your uneasiness caused him concern, and slowly he opened the door and peeked outside. Your heart skipped a beat at this, and you quickly tugged him back. With wide eyes you stared up at him, an expression between anger and unbelief on your face.

"What the hell are you doing?! I just said something's out there!" 

"Exactly, I'll go check it out... Stay in the shed." He offered, but you were having none of it. You followed him outside, but as he noticed your presence behind him, he turned to you with a glare.

"I said stay in the shed!" His voice was harsh and demanding. You looked him straight in the eyes with an irritated expression. You knew he wouldn't let you come with him, so you took a step back. He nodded at you in approval, giving you a thumbs up before walking further in front of the shed. His eyes seemed to glance at any sudden movements. It creeped him out that there wasn't a single sound coming from the woods. No birds chirping or leafs rustling... it was deadly silent.

You were just as on edge as Josh, and you eyed his surroundings as he walked further outside. From his left, something glistened under the light of the torch and you concluded it to be a pair of eyes. Your eyes widened with a gasp, and you slammed the door open.

"Josh, to your left!" 

Josh jumped at your voice, quickly turning towards the bushes on his left. His breath hitched as he looked through the leafs and met a pair of eyes. They were completely white, and not like any other animal he had ever seen. 

Josh stumbled back in fear, and you fled from the shed and to his rescue. But you couldn't help your body from freezing as the bushes rustled, and something ginormous came crawling out of them. Your jaw fell open as a skeleton like creature appeared in the lights, a row of sharp teeth on full display and his claws hidden underneath the layer of snow. It's eyes were completely white, and its face was covered in wrinkles and scratches.

"What the fuck..."You heard Josh mumble under his breath, as he slowly crawled away from the creature. His eyes were wide in fear, just like yours, and you could see his chest heave in panic as the creature approached him slowly.

It screeched in his direction, a loud and ear piercing scream that forced you to squeal and Josh to whimper in response. 

"J-Josh..." You whined, your bottom lip quivering at the adrenaline raging through your veins. What was this creature, and how was it going to react?

You question was answered as it leaped forward and onto Josh, who cried out as its claws immediately dug into the skin of his shoulders. The thing screeched into his face, and easily picked him up while you hurried towards him. Josh gasped for air as the monster held him in front of it by his throat, and he scanned over the appearance before landing on a certain symbol on its arm. With his air pipes forced shut, his eyes met the ones of the creature.

"H-Hannah?" He wheezed, and passed out from lack of oxygen a few seconds after. You were sprinting towards him, hoping the creature hadn't noticed you as you grabbed his hand. He didn't react to your touch and you cried out in panic as you firmly kept it in your own.

"J-Josh... Please..." You tried to pull him out of the creatures grip, but it noticed the resistance from behind you and turned towards you and narrowed its eyes. You heart pounded in your chest as you tugged at Josh' arm, but to no avail. A screech was directed towards you, before it picked you up and threw you to the side with ease.

You cried in pain as you hit a tree, hissing at the impact.  You groaned at the intense pain on the top of your head and your hand wandered over the hurt area, before bringing it in front of your face. The tips of your fingers were covered in a crimson red liquid, blood seeping from the wound on your head. You began to feel dizzy, as you looked up and noticed your vision was fading away. You felt your eyelids become heavy, and the last thing you saw before passing out was Josh' limp body being carried away.

"Josh..." You croaked out, before passing out in the ice cold snow.

Left alone to be find by the others.

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