Chapter 3

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Josh' POV:

"Shit, Jessica!"
We all ran upstairs , following the sound of Mike's screaming. Arriving at room Mike was in, we could see him standing by the window.
"Bro, what's going on?" Chris asked and I walked towards Mike, standing next to him and looking out of the window. Jessica was laying on the ground, groaning while trying to get up.
"I'm fine, guys, I just fucked up my ankle a little, nothing major." Jessica stood up, looking up at the window.

"Jesus, Jess, you scared the crap outta me." Mike sighed. I noticed everybody left the room, probably okay after confirming Jess was fine.
"You need any help?" She looked up at me and shook her head.

"No, I'm fine, really. Thanks for asking, Josh." She smiled at me and then limped towards the front door. I just nodded and left the room, not noticing Mike glaring at me. I walked downstairs, to the front door, unlocking it, so Jess could get in. Walking back to the living room area, everybody was back where they were before, sitting on the couch listening to Sam, who was talking about this party she went to. I joined the group, taking a seat next to Y/n. Of course I could see Chris glaring at me when I took a seat, but I ignored it and just joined the conversation.

"Scoot over, losers, we're joining ya." Emily announced while taking a seat next to Sam, pulling Matt next to her.
"Let's play truth or dare, shall we?" Sam glared at Emily, not in the mood to participate in her little game.
"I rather not, I'm gonna take a bath." She stood up and walked upstairs, locking herself in the bathroom. I didn't mind playing, when it came to truth or dare, there had barely been times where I had actually been embarrassed. I could hear Jessica coming in, locking the front door. She walked upstairs, before walking to her room.

"I'm in." I looked at Chris, who seemed to hesitate, but agreed. Y/n also agreed, but still looked a little unsure and Ashley agreed too. I took the last swig from my bottle of beer, and put it on the table spinning it.
"Y/n, truth or dare?" Emily asked Y/n, who didn't expect to be the first one picked.
"Uhm... truth?" she said a little unsure, taking a sip from her bottle of beer.
"Are you a virgin or not?" She choked on her drink, Chris firmly patting her back, while she was coughing her lungs out.

"Excuse me?" "You heard me." Emily smirked at Y/n, who was blushing like crazy. She waited for a little while before answering.
"No...I'm not." She mumbled. My eyes widened, so did Chris', and Matt was trying not to look at her, while Emily was smirking like a crazy person and Ashley just looked really uncomfortable and shocked.
"Looks like our little Y/n isn't so innocent at all." Emily said while chuckling.
"Let's just keep playing." Y/n said and spun the bottle again. Landing on me.
"Ugh, we already know everything about Josh." Emily snapped, after I chose truth.

"How have you been doing, Josh?" I looked at the person asking the question, it was Mike. Walking down the stairs with Jessica close behind him, she was limping a little.
"I'm fine, can we just drop the subject, Mike." I snapped at him, he joined the circle and looked at me.
"We can't ignore it, Josh, We're all curious about how you've been lately, we care about you and we can't keep ignoring it." He patted my shoulder, but I flinched away and glared at him. All eyes were on me, and I felt uncomfortable having all attention on me, all the pityful stares and caring glances.
'You don't give a fuck about how I've been, you don't care, you pretend to care, just to look good in front of your friends. You don't care about anything but yourself.' But the only thing coming out of my mouth, were words I didn't really meant.
"I'm better now." I fake smiled at Mike, who just nodded and smiled back at me.

Dr. Hill's POV:

I was pacing around my office. Josh missed his last five appointments, and he didn't respond to my texts.
His plan was ridiculous, maybe even dangerous, but there was nothing I could do. His parents refused to give me their numbers, due to the fact that they are famous, and didn't need another event that could stress them out. They were great parents, really, but they lost track of their son's mental health. They paid for the therapy sessions and his meds, but they didn't check up on him, to see if he really gotten any better.
I texted Josh again: 'Please pick up your phone. I'm getting worried.'
What I didn't expect was a response, which came a few minutes later.

Josh: 'I'm fine, you don't need to check every day.'

Me: 'Are you still taking your meds?'

Josh: 'I'm fine.'

I sighed and walked to the closet with all my patients files where in. I grabbed Josh' file and noticed it was a lot bigger than my other patients. I sighed, poor Josh, he's been through so much. I hope he got some closure, being back with his friends, maybe he realizes his plan will only make things worse. I read through his file, deciding to take it home so I could read some more.
I walked out of my office, locking the door, leaving the building in silence.

This is just a filler, more coming soon ;)-L

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