The Saddest Day

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{Your POV}

{2 Days Later}

You and Jack decided to have a calm day today. You have been walking and riding many rides in Disney. But, today, you wanted some alone time. Just you guys together.

"Jack, how are we going to make videos when the baby comes?" You ask worried.

Jack shoots his eyes up at you and looks worried but so calm at the same time.

"Y/n, that's in the future. I don't want you to be worrying about that yet. Just, let me, ûs, figure that out in the future." Jack says placing his hand on yours,

"But, I mean. I really ain't ready for this." You comfort.

"I'm not either, but, we are going to learn together. I promise." Jack says planting a kiss on your forehead,

You giggle and stand up. You walk to your carry-on bag and take out your laptop. You walk back to the couch. You set your laptop on the table.

As you were about to sit down, Jack cleared his throat. His legs were parted and he patted the space between them.

You blushed and smiled. You sat down between his legs and rested your back on his chest. You brought your laptop on you lap.

Jack rested his head on your shoulder as you edited your videos.

"Whatcha editing?" Jack asks curious.

"Thumbnail. A thumbnail." You say.

"Whatcha editing?" Jack asks again.

You laugh. "Jack!! I told you! A editing a thumbnail."

"But I asked, whatcha editing." Jack replies.

"A video Jack. Isn't that obvious?" You ask pointing to the screen.

"Yes! Yes it is. You should, maybe, editing a video for me? You have better editing skills." Jack suggests.

"Maybe. I love your editing better anyways." You say focusing on the screen.

"Mhm." Jack hums.

Jack brought his hands and wrapped them around your waist. You stopped what you were doing and looked down at your stomach. You took your free hand and touched the top of Jacks hand.

"I can't wait until this baby girl or boy comes into this world." Jack whispers,

"When they come, I'm going to probably fail." You say going back to your work.

"No you won't." Jack says shifting in his seat.

Suddenly a sharp pain went down on the bottom of your stomach. You ripped Jacks hands off his waist and grabbed the bottom of your stomach.

Suddenly, your eyes start to droop.

"Y/N!!" You last hear before everything goes black.


{Jacks POV}

I sat there. In the hospital, crying my eyes out. Sitting, next to a blacked out y/n.

She did nothing, nothing to make this happen. I should've payed more attention to what she was doing and when. I could've been a better boyfriend. I guess I can't handle that responsibility,

If I really would choose, to go back in time, I would've. We don't deserve this. Neither of us do.

I looked at y/n's body on the hospital bed. She looked so peaceful. But then, at the same time, in such a bad position,

"Y/n, if you can hear me, listen up. I really am sorry but-"

"Jack!!" Y/n screeches.

Arms wrapped around my neck and hugged me tightly. I was so confused at this point.

"Y/n!?" I ask.

"Jack, what happened?" Y/n asks.

I gulped and tears rolled town my cheeks again. I let go of y/n's grip and covered my face and sobbed,

"Jack!! You're scaring me!!!" Y/n says worried.

"Y/n, you had a miscarriage." I'm able to spit out,

I looked up at y/n with blood shot eyes. She had pale skin and was sinking into the bed. Years swelled in her eyes. As she blinks, a single tear runs down her cheek.

"We are going to survive." I say.

I hug y/n tightly and rub her back. Her and I sob lightly. Holding each other comforting,

"It's okay, we will survive." I repeat.

Always Loved {Jacksepticeye X Reader} #Wattys2016 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now