"Yours Truly..."

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{Logan's POV}

"What's wrong, calm down Jack. Now, tell me what's wrong?" I ask starting to freak out over Jack's panicking.

"I went out...then I....with Daithi....got drunk....I'm a horrible person Logan!! She will kill me if she figures out!!" Jack cries into the phone.

"Okay, calm down. I'm here with Mark right now so stop by so we can talk, alright?" I ask.

"Okay. Be there in a few." Jack says then hangs up,

I set the phone down and plop on the couch with a thud. Mark wraps his arm around me and plants a kiss on my temple. I rest his head on his shoulder and take a very deep sigh.

"What's wrong?" Mark asks.

"It's Jack. I think he cheated on Y/n but I'm not sure." I say rolling my eyes in frustration.

Just then, Mark got a text from Y/n. That did not seem good because his eyes were wide with fear. I leaned over and, uh, yeah, that was something.

Y/n McLoughlin

"Oh Christ on a bike. Will she calm down. Tell her that he's still at Daithi's house. Also tell her that he called me and he said that he slept at Daithi's house." I say.

Mark nods and start typing. The doorbell rings and I knew who was at the door because the bell kept ringing and ringing and ringing and ringing and....well, you get the point.

When I did open the door, Jack straight up walked in to the living room where Mark was. I didn't even get to see his face.

"Nice to meet you too." I mumble closing the door.

Walking into the living room, I found Jack in the recliner crying his eyes out while Mark and I sat on the couch looking and feeling bad.

"Jack, calm down." Mark says.

"I can't. Ican'tIcan'tIcan't...I. Can't." Jack says super fast, repeating the 'I can't''s.

"Well, if you can't calm down, then you can't explain what happened." I say.

He looks up and takes a very deep breath. Even though its shaky, it is very long.

"Okay, l was being a total jerk to Y/n yesterday. I didn't talk to her, I was with Sam most of the day or on my computer editing or recording. But, whenever I would see Y/n, my facial expression would change into something I don't want it to. So, I went out to the pub with Daithi after dinner because we planned it out before. All was good. So, Daithi and I got a little too drunk and I kinda went home with this girl and um..."

Jack voice trailed off while tears started to pour out again. I started to get angry yet sad for him. I feel like I should be sad but I feel more angry towards him.

"So, do you at least remember the girls name? Or what she looked like?" Mark asks.

"No. No I don't. I have a pregnant wife at home, with a child who I dearly love, and I love my wife also. Can I stay here until I feel better?" He asks.

Mark and I exchange looks. I take a deep sigh and look over at Jack.

"Yes. But, you have one condition." I say.

"Logan!" Mark says punching my arm.

"What, what is it?" Jack asks.

"You have to text Y/n and tell her that your at our house and you came here to stop by. You have to tell her that you love Sam and her with all your heart." I say with a serious tone.

"Logan, don't you think-"

I cut Mark off. "No, he has to do it because he did something wrong so he shouldn't straight up say it! He needs to tell her he loves her."

Before Jack even pulled out his phone, Mark's phone went off. It was a call from Y/n. Mark answered but shushed Jack.

"Hello." Mark says.

"Hebettercomehomeorisweartogodthathewillbedeadinafewseconds! Samhasbeencallingforhimallnightandhewasnt-"

Mark hung up because Y/n was talking way too fast. I was wide eyes and so was Jack.

"Better do it know before she comes running to this house." I say very serious.

💚Jack's POV💚

I sighed and pulled out my phone from my pocket. I haven't checked it all day and it shows that I have 22 missed texts from Y/n, my wife. Man, do I regret last night and I feel like a horrible person.

But, I have to send her a text. I really need to tell her I love her and Sam, and Autumn with baby boy. We don't have a name for him yet.

Hey babe. Sorry I didn't text you last night. I'm really sorry for treating you the way I treated you. I know that was a stupid thing but I'm just saying that I love you. You are the world to me. So is Sam and baby boy. I was at Daithi's last night because his house was closer and we were too drunk to come home. I came over to Mark and Logan's house but I will be there in a few. Tell Sam I love her and I love you too, Y/n. So very much.
   Yours Truly,
     Jack McLoughlin ~xoxo~

I sent the text and looked up from my phone. I gave a half smile to both Logan and Mark who were actually smiling back at me already.

My phone went off not even 5 seconds after, showing that I had a text from Y/n, my wifey poo.

Hey, if you herd that I called Mark. I'm sorry. I just really missed you last night and I was worried that something happened. I really didn't mean to slip out but I was super worried. Anyway, I forgive you from what happened last night and I believe you. Take your time at Mark and Logan's house. And, I love you too.
~Y/n McLoughlin ~xoxo~

I smiled and locked my phone up. I laid back in the recliner and just took a deep sigh. I looked over at Mark and Logan who were still smiling.

"She believed me, that's all it matters." I say.


Can you guess on who he cheated on with? It may be a complete stranger for all you know but I know who it is! 😏

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