A Relaxing Day

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Jack's POV

I have recovered from the hospital and my horrible nightmare fuel. It has been a week now and everyone is back where they need to be. I'm back with my pregnant wife as well as my three year old girl.

Sam was excited to see me. It was so adorable because my little girl knows how to walk/run and talk a little. When Y/n opened that hospital room door, Sam saw me and started running towards me. She yelled "Daddy!" on her way over to me.

Boy, she's small but she gives big, big, big, hugs.

I started back up on YouTube and everyone asked where I was. So, that's when I decided to make a vlog on what happened and an update on family status.

"Wa-pish, top o' the mornin' to ya ladies! My name is Jacksepticeye and I'm so so so sorry for no videos for the past ten days. I was in the hospital and was unconscious. So, if you guys were worrying, don't worry. It was my fault and I didn't know this would happen. So, today this was not all I wanted to talk about. I brought the family in here also!" I said.

Y/n walked over with Sam in her arms. I took Sam from her and sat her down on my lap. I looked at Y/n as she was sitting down.

"Hey guys!" Y/n waved at the camera.

"Say hi, Sam. Say hi to the people out there!" I said pointing to the camera.

Sammy waved a little shy wave. Which, made Y/n and I giggle. There, we started talking about upcoming events, how the family is doing, if any new events were coming up, etcetera. All of that lasting about a hour of rambling, so I finally ended it.

"Well, I hope you guys liked this vlog. Again, I'm super sorry I haven't been uploading and I know you guys will understand. Anyways, thank you guys, so much for watching this video. If you liked it, punch that like button in the face, like a boss! And, high fives all around! Wa-pish, wa-pish, and I'll see all you dudes, in the next video!!" I shouted.

"Daddy, why are you so loud?" Sam asked.

I laughed. "Because that's just my personality."

"What's peerrrsoniiity?" Sam asked.

"You'll learn when your older, okay Sam." Y/n said laughing.

"Okie!" She said.

She jumped off my lap and headed out into the hallway. Y/n and I looked at each other then started laughing. After cooling down, I looked at Y/n straight in her eyes.

"I want to surprise Sam with something. Actually, scratch that, I want to surprise both of you today." I said smiling.

"Oh really?" Y/n said leaning back and holding her stomach.

"Yup! But I still have to go get the surprise. That means I have to leave the house, which means-"

"You're not aloud to leave the house. Doctors rules." Y/n said.

I rolled my eyes and started spinning in my chair. I looked up while had my little own fun spinning around.

"I'm leaving the house. Even if the doctor said I'm not supposed to. Fuck whatever he says. I want to surprise my family and that's final." I said still spinning.

Y/n stopped me and rested her arms on the arm rests. She looked in me in the eyes, well, at least I think she did.

"Hey, there's four of you. Now I can love more of my own wife." I chuckled.

"That also means eight diapers to change." Y/n said smiling.

I blinked while my vision was becoming better. I also looked down because I didn't want that. Just the thought of that was horrible.

"Let's just stick with twins as a matter of fact." I said.

"I thought so." Y/n said and pecked my lips. "Well, I'm going to leave you to doing your work. I'll be downstairs with Sam." Y/n said waddling out the door.

"Bye my loves!!" I called when she closed the door.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair. It felt good to be back here and at my YouTube again. Not in the shitty world which was hell.

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