{Your POV}
"Gimme that!" Mark says, snatching the laptop away from you.
"Well, I'm going to make dinner. What are you in the mood for?" You ask, sitting up, not caring about anything.
"Um, just make a homemade pizza." Mark says not caring at all.
You slap your hands against your knees. You get up and start waddling towards the kitchen.
When you enter the kitchen, you turn on the radio. Music starts playing, making your hips sway back and forth to the music.
You took out the ingredients and started making dough for the crust. Flour everywhere, you out the finished dough on a pan. After, you spree the pizza sauce, sprinkled on cheese, and put on pepperoni.
"Mark!!! Do you want anything else on your pizza other than cheese and pepperoni!!" You shout.
"No!! Thanks for the offer though!!!" Mark shouts back.
You grab an oven mitt and set the pizza in the hot oven. You wipe the flour off your over-sized shirt.
You think of stuff that would go with the pizza.
"Maybe some homemade breadsticks." You mumble to yourself.
As in the middle of making your breadsticks, two arms wrap around your waist and a small peck it set on top of your head.
"What's cooking?" An Irish voice whispers in your ear.
"Some pizza. Making here some homemade breadsticks to go with. I missed you." You say focused on the breadsticks.
"I missed you too. I got you something. But, it's a surprise so I can't tell you. Whoops." He snickers.
You roll your eyes, continuing to get the breadsticks all set to go into the oven.
"I got Sam some more baby food. I also got an extra supply of diapers, some more baby wipes, some cute outfits, and some toys." Jack says.
"You really are excited aren't you?" You ask, chuckling a bit, still focused on the breadsticks.
"I'm excited but I'm still very nervous." Jack replies.
"Y/N!! C'MERE FOR A SECOND!!" Mark yells.
You sigh and shut off the radio. You walk past Jack and sit down next to Mark on the couch.
"What's up bud?" You ask.
"Logan, Ramsey's sister. She lives like, 2 minutes away from the house here. Can she come over for dinner tonight?" Mark asks.
"Yeah. Just tell her she can come around, hmm, 5:30-6:00." You say getting up from the couch heading back into the kitchen.
"What was that about?" Jack asks.
"Apparently Ramsey had a twin sister, Logan Jammer. She seems like a nice person. Mark has been on my Twitter talking to her for the past hour or so." You shrug going back to the breadsticks.
A few minutes later, the doorbell rung. You knew it had to be Logan. Mark answered the door as you put the breadsticks in the oven.
"I'm going to change." You say.
{Marks POV}
I open the door to see a blonde standing in the doorway. She had baby blue eyes. She also had long blonde hair, covered by a Navy blue beanie. I couldn't see the twinness between them. Logan held a cigar in one hand and in the other a skateboard.
"Is this Mark?" She asks.
"Is this Logan?" I ask back.
She sucked in and blew out a puff of smoke from her cigar. "Yeah. That's me." She says.
She took one more puff before throwing it to the ground and stomping on it with her heel.
"C'mon in." I say, opening the door wide open for her.
"Thank you." She says walking in.
She set her skateboard in the corner of the room. She kept her black converses on as she walked towards the kitchen.
I followed.
"You must be Jack. Nice to meet ya'!" She says, holding her hand out for Jack to shake.
"Nice to meet you too Logan." He replies, shaking her hand.
"Where is y/n/n?" Logan asks.
"She's upstairs changing." Jack says.
"No. I'm here." Y/n says.
She walks over and gives Logan a big hug.
"I haven't seen you since you were skinnier." Logan jokes.
"Haha. How's life going for you?" Y/n asks.
"Eh. Dad got me smoking so now I'm addicted. I know it's bad. I'm trying to stop because I don't want to look like a freak when I'm older." Logan says.
{Your POV}
"Well, we can help you out." You suggest.
"Really!! Thank you!! Ramsey would be so proud of me!! She has been trying to help me stop but since she had dementia, she couldn't remember half the time." She chuckles sadly.
"Well, Ramsey died happy. Didn't she Mark?" You ask elbowing Mark slightly.
"Yeah, at least she did." Mark sighs.
The oven dinged signaling the breadsticks and pizza were finished. You clapped happily and put on an oven mitt. You opened the stove and pulled them out.
"Time to eat!! Grab a plate and dig in!!" You say.

Always Loved {Jacksepticeye X Reader} #Wattys2016 (Completed)
FanfictionYou were packing your bags. You sighed and looked back at the empty house in good ol' Ireland. Tears formed in your eyes knowing you going to miss your best friend. You were only 17 and you decided to move to LA. "I'm going to miss you!" Sean/Jack...