Y/T/N: Your Twitter name
{Your POV}
Waking up on a sweet September morning, the curtains were up and the sun shined through the windows. Jack was screaming from the other room. You stretched and sat up in the bed.
You could tell that you slept in. Why, because Jack was out of the bed. The clock said it was 11:30 a.m. also.
That also means Jack is recording.
"STEVE!!! WHAT THE FUCK MAN!!" You herd Jack yell.
Yup, he was playing Happy Wheels. You could tell.
You grabbed your phone and seen you had some text messages from Logan.
GramsGirl: Yo! Coming to your house today! (9:16am)
GramsGirl: Hey, I was wondering if I could bring a friend? (9:27am)
GramsGirl: Hello!! I need a reply dummy! (9:46am)
GramsGirl: I'M NOT A PATIENT PERSON!! Take your time. 😒 (10:01am)
You chuckled and replied back.
PumpernickelLady: Yeah, you can bring a friend. (11:34am)
GramsGirl: FINALLY!! Oh and, make sure Sam is dressed cool. I don't want her all 'girly girl' when my friend is over. (11:34am)
PumpernickelLady: Okay, I won't. She'll wear what you got her Tommy.😂 (11:35am)
GramsGirl: Haha, very funny. Get the show in girl!! We'll be there in 5 minutes! (11:35am)
You rolled your eyes and crawled out of bed. You slipped off your tank and your shorts. You out on your ripped skinny jeans with a turquoise crop top. You out on your eye liner and fixed up your blue green hair.
You ran into Jack's recording room. He was still recording but something different.
"Morning Jack!" You say kissing his cheek.
"Morning baby cakes." He replies smiling.
"Don't cut it out!" You call walking out the room.
"I won't!" He calls back.
You chuckle a bit and run into Sam's room. Her was wide awake and sitting up in her crib.
You hear the loud thuds coming from Jack's running. He comes in panting with a worried look on his face.
"What!?" He asks breathless.
You squeal and point at the crib. Jack looks and a smile forms in his lips from ear to ear. Sam smiles and waves her happy arms in the air with her little rattle.
"Awe look at this! My baby girl knows how to sit up now!! When is the crawling coming?" He asks picking her up in his arms.
He suddenly pulls Sam away from his body, but still keeping her in his hands.
"She sat up but she took a massive dump!" Jack says laughing.
Sam squeals and wave her arms more as a smile is glued onto her face. Her eyes were wide open and she just was just so happy and energetic.
"Pretty bad." Jack says.
"Well, it is your turn to change her." You snicker.
Jack walks over to the changing area and while walking there, he mouths 'Fuck You' to you.
"Yup, you'll be doing that tonight." You wink.
He grins and wiggles his eyebrows. His focus gazes back on Sam. After he changes her diaper, you take over his spot and change Sam into her clothes.
"You know what I'm going to do?" Jack asks while watching you change Sam.
"What is that?" You ask.
"I'm going to ask the company who makes my shirts if they can make baby clothing." He says.
You smile at the idea whilst you slip on baby Sam's shirt on.
"I like the idea." You say.
Suddenly your phone goes off.
"Can you put on Sam's jeans? I have to answer this." You say looking directly at Jack.
He nods and kisses your temple before you go out of the room. You answer the call.
"Hello!" You say.
"Hey Y/n! Jack didn't answer his phone. Ugh, anyway, I was wondering if we, Wade, Bob, Jack, You and I could recorded and play some G-mod?" Mark asks.
"Of course but expect two other players. Since we are 8 hours away, um, probably be at 8 pm here. It will be 12 o'clock at your house. Does that sound good?" You ask.
"Yeah! Perfect! Thanks y/n, that sounds amazing. Who are the other two people?" Mark asks.
"Your girl and her friend. I don't know who though?" You say.
"Oh okay! Can't wait. I'll Skype you when we are ready okay?"
"Yeah, Sam will be asleep at that time to so don't worry about her interrupting."
"Okay girl! Call you later then. Bye!"
"Bye Mark."
You hang up and stick your phone in your back pocket. It was 12:30 pm right now at you and Jack's house so it was no biggie.
You walk downstairs to see a sleeping Sam and a sleeping Jack. Jack was on the couch with his legs propped up on the coffee table and his arms wrapped around Sam. Sam had her face against Jack's chest while she was on her stomach. Her hands flap on either side of her body.
You awed and took a picture. You posted it on Twitter with Jack tagged in it.
@Y/T/N: @jack_septic_eye These two are just having a father daughter moment, asleep! How cute! :D <3
A bunch of replays came rolling in but you just put it back into your pocket. Next thing you know, Logan comes into the door.
"Be quiet." You whisper with your finger over top of your lips.
She raises a brow while still standing in the doorway. You point at sleeping Jack and Sam. She nods and walks in.
"I brought my friend here today. She is super cool!" Logan whispers to you.
"Cool, bring her in." You whisper back.
Next thing you know, a girl you recognize comes walking into the door. Even though her hair has changed color, she still was the enemy that you couldn't stand.
Winter White.
She had dark purple hair. She had a indigo sweater on with a nose ring and her eyeliner on fleck. Along with that she had purple converses with skinny jeans.
The minute Winter saw you, her face light up with a ear to ear smile. She ran over to you and hugged you tight.
"I'm so happy I'm back!" She squeals while hugging you tightly.
You were confused but you hugged back.
"Why is that?" You ask chuckling a bit.
"I really felt bad last time I was here. I know I was a jerk and I wasn't being a nice person. When I met Logan, my life changed. When she was always win you, I really felt bad and I wanted to see you again. Can you please forgive me?" She asks.
You pulled away from her hug. Her eyes were glossy. She was about to cry.
What do you say?

Always Loved {Jacksepticeye X Reader} #Wattys2016 (Completed)
FanfictionYou were packing your bags. You sighed and looked back at the empty house in good ol' Ireland. Tears formed in your eyes knowing you going to miss your best friend. You were only 17 and you decided to move to LA. "I'm going to miss you!" Sean/Jack...