That's Not What I Meant!

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{Your POV}

It has been 2 or 3 weeks you've been out with Jack. You were so happy to be with man you've always been in love with.

"Jack!! I'm using your recording room!!" You yell.

"Okay!! Just make sure you don't break anything!!" Jack says seriously.

"Hey, if I break something, I will pay you back!!" You say, pecking his lips.

He blushes and walks into the bedroom. He sit down into the computer chair and put on Jack's green headphones. You adjust them so they can fit.

Before you turn on the camera, you look for a game to play.

"Jack!! What's a good game to play that I didn't already play!?" You ask, yelling.

"Um, you should play-"

"Never mind!! I got a game!!" You yell.

"Okay!! Good luck lucky charm!!" Jack teases.

You turn on your IPad and set it so that it doesn't look like your looking down at your crouch.

You press recording on you IPad and the camera.

"Heelllloooo ladies and gentle bugs!! My name is y/YouTube/n! Today we will be playing Sim City!! Now, I'm going to be doing it in episodes, only if you want it to be. That is an assignment I want you guys to do!! Comment down below if you want this to be episodes!! Got it?"

You pause pointing at the camera.

"Good!" You say nodding.

Just then Jack comes in with only jeans on, while looking down at his phone. You smile and look back at the camera,

"Someone is here to join me!" You whisper.

You pick up the camera and point it in Jack's direction, who is now sitting on the couch in front of you.

He smiles and looks at you.

"Hey!!! I little privacy here!!" He yells, jokingly.

You start laughing and place the camera back on.

"Something you need to cut out!" Jack says.

You giggle and head back to the game.


You were sitting between Jack's legs, resting your head on his bare chest, his arms wrapped around your waist, his hands on your stomach with your hands on top. You were watching YouTube videos.

Suddenly, Jacks Skype on the computer comes on. It was from Mark.

"Oh boy, better answer." Jack says.

He clicks 'accept' and sits back in the comfortable position.

"Hey-oh, sorry to bother." Mark says chuckling

"No it's fine! We were just relaxing!" Jack chimes in.

"Yup! But, y/n, didn't you promise me something?" He asks.

You raise a brow with confusion written all over your face.

"Remember!?" He grunts.

You shake your head no.

"Ugh!! Did you get me a Disney stuffy for, you know who!!" He asks annoyed.

You eyes widen and you run into the bedroom. You, panicky, search all over the room.


You sigh as tears form in your eyes. You set you hands on your stomach to the situation that happened to you that made you forget.

Sitting back down where you and Jacks position was, you start to cry.

"I-I'm sorry Mark. Something happened, a-and that made m-me forget. I-I'm so sorry." You sob, looking at Mark through the screen.

"What the fuck!!! You promised me y/n!! You said you wouldn't forget!!! You-"

"STOP IT MARK!!" You yell, crying harder into Jack's chest.

He rubs your blue-green hair and your arm in comfort. He brings you closer so you can feel comforted.

"Mark, something happened when we were at Disney. We, really don't want to talk about it." Jack says.

"O-of course. But please, I can get one at Wal-Mart." Mark says and hangs up.

"Why me?" You ask, calming down a little.

"I guess Faith doesn't want us to have one so soon y/n. That is a question I wouldn't be able to answer." Jack says sighing.

"So your saying I'm useless instead of saying 'oh don't say that! You are perfect in anyway you are!'" You say pissed,

"No-no! That's not-"

"I see how it is Jack. I'm just a piece of junk to you. Okay-okay, yeah, I see. I'm just, going to get some ice cream and cry. See you Jack." You say getting up.

"No! Y/n! Please don't!! That's not what I meant!" Jack yells after you.

"No! I really do see how it is. I guess you don't love me." You start crying.

You put you shoes on and grab Jack's blue sweatshirt. You put it on, grabbing some money. And leave.


Oh, a cliff hanger!! I'm too lazy to make a boring Authors note so I'm going to make it at the end of this.👍

First off, OMG!! 1.31k reads!! Thanks so much guys!! You are the best, really, I don't know know what I would do without you guys!! Thank you so much!!😘💋❤️

Second, I have my new book out, Together Always. It is going to be a very short Markiplier book because I have to make my one MJ book very fast!!😓😔 Sorry!!😔😓😭

Lastly, I'm going to play a little game with you guys!! I'm going to title song names, that are slanted like this: Hello!!!👈Like that. So, expect that. Whoever is the winner will win something. I don't know yet, but all I know is that you'll win something.

Good luck guys and yet again, I love y'all!!

~Caroline M. Larson -xoxo-

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