"I Hate You": Part 2

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{Your POV}

You turned your head towards the cab driver. You gave him a slight smile.

"Sorry about that. Thanks for driving us." You say.

"Anytime miss." He answers.

You exit the cab. You grab your stuff from the trunk and head towards the house. The cab drives away as you walk to sidewalk.

"Hey y/n!" Mark greets.

You smile and wave to him. He comes to you and takes your bags.

"You don't have to do that." You say.

"No please. Your my guest." Mark encourages.

You smile and nod. You kiss his cheek and head inside the house. There you see Wade, Bob, and Mandy all sitting down on the sofa.

"Y/n, why did Jack rush into the house without saying anything?" Bob asks.

You shrug, but a tear falls down your cheek. Mandy comes up and puts her hands on your shoulders.

"What's wrong?" She asks, wiping the tear away.

"J-Jack on the plane, h-he told me not to talk to him, not until we got to Marks. A-all I did was Skype a friend of mine. He started talking and we bonded. He is already in a relationship so it doesn't matter. I think Jack thinks I'm cheating on....on..."

You can't finish the sentence. You break down crying. Everybody around you hugs you. You cry into Marks chest while everybody else holds you.

"You'll be fine y/n." Wade comforts.

"NO IT'S NOT!!" You yell, starting to cry even harder.

Mark shoos everybody away and he holds you. You are weeping into Marks shirt, leaving tear stains.

"I want Jack back." You cry.

"I know you do y/n, but he just needs to learn to except that you are hurt." Mandy says.

You sniff and wipe your eyes with your sleeves. You let go of Mark and look at everybody.

"Thanks guys. Please, talk to Jack for me tonight. I would really appreciate it." You say.

The boys nod. "We will try our best." Mark says, rubbing the top of your head.

You chuckle but it fades as you see Jack walk into the living room. Your eyes fill up with tears. You grab onto Mark again and weep, again, into his chest.

{Jack's POV}

I walk into the living room quietly and slowly. I look around. Y/n looks at me. I could tell she was crying.

Tears form in her eyes. She grabs onto Mark and weeps into his chest.

Everybody is now focusing on me.

"Hi everyone." I say softly, giving a very small wave.

They all nod back in response. Well, everyone except Mandy and Y/n.

Mandy walks up my face. She pints a finger at me. She had an angry look on her face.

"Why did you even say that!?" She yells.

"Say what?" I question.

"Oh, don't give me that bullshit! You know exactly what you said to your fiancé on the plane!" She yells again.

I look down remembering what I had said. I now regret it.

"I didn't mean to." I say softly.

"What do you MEAN you didn't mean to?" Mark asks, notifying that he was pissed.

Mandy stood next to Bob. Wade and Bob stared at me. Y/n cried into marks chest. Mark stared down at y/n who was weeping. He was rubbing her back and telling her it's fine.

I should be doing that.

"I hate you!" I hear something stutter, with so much anger, sadness, and emotion.

I look up to see y/n's bright red face. Her blood shot red eyes staring at me.

"What?" I ask, making me fade inside.

"I said, I hate you!" She says weakly.

Her voice was like a baby duckling. It was soft and so innocent. The sadness written all over her face. The way she held onto Mark, telling us that she was in so much pain and that all she needed was someone she loved the most to hold her in her arms.

But, the words. They hit like a knife right into the chest. Killing you, making you die slowly and painfully.

I dropped to the floor, on my knees. I put my hands up, in a prayer position. Warm tears flowing down my cheeks.

"P-please forgive me y-y/n! Please!!" I beg.

Everyone watched us bicker. Wanting each other to come back to one another. But, it wasn't going to happen early, was it?

"No! You seem like the only person in this room to be a worthless piece of trash. Just because I was talking to a friend. Maybe I should just call him right now. Yeah, I'm going to do that!" She says sternly.

She grabbed her phone. The next thing I know, I hear a familiar voice on the other line.

"Hey- y/n, what's wrong?" The voice says.

"Let me see, *sniffs*, Jack is being a jackass and he thinks I'm cheating on him. When, I'm engaged with him!" She yells.

"Oh I see. Why would I do that to you anyway. I have Marzia. She is the best I could possibly have!" I hear.

Y/n's eyes wonder toward me. She spins her phone around showing me the screen.

It was Pewds.

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