Fuck The World!!!!!

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Jack's POV

I waddled into the bedroom that late night. It was dark out and rain was sprinkling on the window pane. I crawled into bed and held onto my lovely, pregnant wife.

"Hm..." Y/n hummed as she turned around.

I still had my arms around her as we both looked into each other's eyes. I smiled at her, and the dim light of the moon reflected on her, letting me see the smile she returned.

"I love you so much Y/n." I said to her in a quiet tone.

"I love you too, Jack." She replied digging her head into my bare chest.

I kissed the top of her head then rested my head on hers. The warm body heat coming from each other was nice.

I couldn't think of anything more soothing as my eyes got heavy and I fell to sleep.


"Logan! She told us not to tell him!!"

"What's going on? What's happening!?"

"Logan, I'm warning you-"

"Logan, please, anything to make you shut up."

"What do you mean!? They haven't had a punishment?!"

"Okay, just listen to me right now!!"

"Well, I want to know why they never had a punishment!"

"Jack just listen and stop asking stupid-"

"They are my children Logan, you have to-"


The feels. I've seen it all. I remember that day like it was five minutes ago. I held Y/n's cold body in the hospital room. The rain poured down. It was only us, the only room around.

I don't think I could've been so blind. Everything was perfect. I had my family all happy. Now I'm back to this shit again.

My phone rang, the only sound echoing in the whole room. I picked it up, not caring who it was.

"You have to choose your defeat. Stay here, or there."

"Stop doing this to me! I want my wife back. I want everything back to normal. I don't want this fucking bullshit that's happening to me! Why do I have to choose?! Couldn't it have been someone else other than me!?" I screamed.

"Your choice is chosen, after I text the life skills you've been put in."

At this point, I was crying rain. The harder I cried, the harder the rain is. I'm a god, who isn't in the proper situation. Who doesn't know what to choose.

"This is a test!? Why don't the world just fuck me!? I don't want to be here anymore!? Don't call me ever again!!" I shouted.

By now it was a hail storm out. The wind was blowing and the rain was now hail. I stood up and walked toward the door.

'When opened, you may never return to the way you want it to be. Never leave, only let us move you."

"Well, isn't this just fucking fantastic. Now, you're not on my phone, you're in the whole fucking room! Well, I just give up by now. Please, I want to die!" I screamed.

Then, a little 'poof ' was herd from behind me. When I turned around, I saw what it was. A gun, floating in mind air.

"You walk toward the thing you deprive the most. Just like every other person. You get what you want, just because you're a stupid, desperate, pathetic demander. You have what every other human has, insanity. Something every person hides but when alone, shows it all. You hide the fact that you're hurt, just like all the others. You don't want to show it, so you hide behind a mask of 'happiness'. When people ask what's wrong, you lie. Take what you wish, for many people will miss for who they known as a savior, a energetic, happy, wound up, loud, caring, loving man. A hero of many people, a friend to many, a father to three kids, a husband, to a wife who's worrying."

The gun was grasp in my hand. I had tear stained on my on my cheeks as I didn't know what to do anymore. The trigger was pulled, which I had to say sorry to my community, my friends, my family, my kids, and my wife.

"I love you all. Please, don't forget me."


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