{Your POV}
"Sweet maybe, but, I don't think we need that much sugar." You say tasting the frosting.
"What!. It's cake! We need to make it sweet!!" Jack says.
"Jack, if we make it too sweet, no one will eat it." You say chuckling a small bit.
"Awe but Y/n!!" Jack whines.
"But Jack!" You whine back.
He glares at you playfully. Then he puts frosting on your nose. You gasp. You take the spatula and smear the frosting all over Jack's face. He also gasps as you laugh your ass off. He leans in a kisses you. The taste of frosting all over you mouths.
Jack pulls away and looks at you for a moment. You chuckle.
"Why you starring?" You ask like a country girl.
"'Cause I got a tooth aching girl by meh side. She's my baby cakes. My darlin'." Jack says country like,
You giggle. You both wipe your faces off. As you were wiping yours, Jack taps you on the shoulder.
"What?" You ask.
"Sam is staying at my parents house for a few days. I think we both need a break to just have some alone time." He says.
You think about it. You never did leave Sam's side. She was always with you every since she was born.
"I don't know Jack. What if something happens? What if she gets sick? What if she-"
"Y/n! She'll be alright. She's going to be in safe hands with my parents. She'll be perfectly safe." Jack reassures.
"Okay. What time are they picking her up?" You ask.
"In about 15 minutes." Jack says.
You dash out the kitchen, upstairs to Sam's room. You packed everything and dressed Sam into a nicer outfit than what Jack out on. You pick up Sam and sling the bag over your shoulder. You both head downstairs.
"Why did you change her outfit?" Jack asks.
"Because, it didn't match at all. We need our little princess to look amazing." You say kissing her cheek,
Sam lets out a small noise that makes both you and Jack to smile. The door bell rings. Jack goes to answer as his parents come in the door.
"Now that's what we needed for a while now." Jack says still trying to catch his breath.
"Yeah. That was fantastic." You say smirking a bit.
You pull the sheets over your breasts as get comfortable in the bed. You eyes get droopy as the clock reads 9:00 pm.
"I'm so tired." You say sleepy.
"I'm sure. But, I wanna take you somewhere." Jack says.
"What!? At 9:00 at night." You say wi your eyes wide open.
"Ah, but it's 9:01 my dear." Jack corrects,
You squint your eyes at him. "Nope, I'm staying here to sleep." You say rolling over in the bed.
"Oh, come on! I planned it out for the two of us! Can we please?" Jack pouts.
You grunt and get out of bed. You slouchy walk over to the walk in closet. You out on a fresh pair of undies and a new bra. You then put on a cozy sweater and some skinny jeans with mix matched socks. You walk out and put up a messy bun. Then, your cozy boots with a nice scarf.
"I'm ready Jack." You say yawning.
"Awe, my baby girl is tired." Jack coos.
"Yeah because I'm so tired." You say.
He chuckles and takes you hand. You exit the house, hand in hand, leaving a nice conversation with.
You and Jack sat at a bench in the park at 12:00 pm. It was cold but you kept yourselves warm by keeping your bodies close to each other.
You were laying on your side with your head resting on Jack's lap. He had his fingers running through your hair.
"Are you tired yet?" He asks.
"Nope. I'm comfortable. Very comfortable." You say.
He chuckles a bit. Then, a silence falls between you. It was a peaceful silence. All you herd was the sound of crickets chirping in the background and the fireflies fluttering everywhere.
"How many times have I told you I love you today?" Jack asks.
"Many times." You answer chuckling.
"Well, I'm going to say it again. I love you so much Y/n." Jack whispers.
You sit up and sit on his lap. He wraps his arms around your waist as you wrap your arms around his neck. You out your forehead on his as you both look deep into each other's eyes.
"I love you so much Jack." You whisper.
He smiles and pecks your lips, then again, and again, then he goes into a passionate kiss. It lasted about 3 seconds. You pull away and smile at one another.
"I love you." You both say in sink.

Always Loved {Jacksepticeye X Reader} #Wattys2016 (Completed)
FanfictionYou were packing your bags. You sighed and looked back at the empty house in good ol' Ireland. Tears formed in your eyes knowing you going to miss your best friend. You were only 17 and you decided to move to LA. "I'm going to miss you!" Sean/Jack...