{Your POV}
You were reading a book on the couch. Your legs propped up on the table. It was only 3 weeks until the wedding. You and Jack are still making small rearrangements.
Whilst you were reading your book, Jack played soft music while editing his videos. He was on the couch also.
'What about Felix and Marzia?' You mind asked yourself.
Your eyes unfocused from the book. They widen. You shut the book hard, causing Jack to jump in his seat.
"What was that for?" He asks.
"We forgot about Felix and Marzia!! They need to be in the wedding also!!" You say worriedly.
You stand up and start pacing back and forth.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." You kept repeating fast.
Jack comes up to you and grabs your arm. He stops you in your tracks. He holds you in his arms.
"Now listen to me. Felix is one of our best friends. Nothing can take that away from us. Now, we need to Skype or call him, tell him, and ask him." Jack reassures.
You take three deep breaths. You wiggle out of Jacks grip and walk out to your phone. You Skype Felix and he answers.
"Hey y/n!" Felix chirps.
"Hey Felix. Um, Jack and I are getting married in 3 weeks. We forgot to invite you to the wedding. We actually want you and Marzia to be in it. Would you?" You ask.
He face lights up. A smile spreads to his face ear to ear.
You giggle and say your goodbyes.
"Should we call Mark, Bob, and Wade?" Jack suggests.
"Yeah. We will have a full house by tomorrow." You laughed.
{2 Days Later}
So, there was a full house and Jack and yours house. It was intense and very crazy. It was a massive "destruction".
"Boys and girls!! Time to eat!!" You yell.
Everyone came rushing into the kitchen. The boys all sat in a group together as you girls sat in another group.
You set the meat loaf down on the table. As you did, the door bell rang.
"I'll get it." You say smirking at Mark.
He had a confused look on his face. You just marked and walked off to the front door. You opened it to see your best friend standing in the doorway.
"Is this Y/n 'future to be' McLoughlin house?" Your friend asks giggling.
"C'mere girl!! I haven't seen you in ages!!" You chirp.
You give her a big hug as she hugs you back. Your pulled away admiring her beauty.
She had white hair, as it was going down it turned into a light blue going into a darker blue.
"Winter White. Man, that name really suits you." You say.
"It always has. I didn't like my brown hair. So, I died it. Do you like it?" Winter asks.
"I love it Winter. Come on in!"
She grabs her suitcase and enters the house. She sets her bags down next to the couch, in the living room.
"Come and eat with us. You'll meet the man who is walking you down." You say.
"I'm afraid. Is he a cytopathic person?" Winter asks.
"No. He's actually a really nice guy. May have herd of him," you say entering the kitchen, "Markiplier is his name."
Mark turns around in his seat. His eyes focus on Winter. His eyes look her up and down. Then a blush spreads on his face. He turns back around in his seat.
"Creep." Winter whispers in you ear.
You giggle and sit down with the girls. Sitting between Winter and Marzia. Your back facing the boys.
"Hey girls, this is my friend, Winter White. She has been my friend since the begging of the awkward high school moments." You giggle.
"Hey everyone. Sorry if I don't learn all of your names easily. I'm bad at names." Winter says awkwardly.
"Well, I'm Mandy, Bobs wife." Mandy introduces
"I'm Molly, Wade's girlfriend." Molly introduces.
"I'm Marzia, Felix's girlfriend." Marzia introduces.
"Now I'm going to remember your name because you have an Italian accent. But, with you two, I'm going to get so confused because you look almost exactly alike and you are both American." Winter laughs.
You all laugh along. You all eat and have a little chat, getting to know each other, especially Winter.
{Jacks POV}
Every once and awhile y/n would raise her left hand up. I would be able to see the engagement ring on her finger. Knowing that she is going to be mine in only 2 weeks prior.
"She is my girl." I say aloud.
All the boys stop in their tracks and start starring at me.
"You such a lucky man Jack." Mark says.
I smile and look at y/n's friend Winter. I remember her from high school. She took away y/n from me. It was weird because when I was in school, all I did was hang out with y/n. None of the boys. After that, it was awkward for me to be hanging out with the 'guys'.
"THAT MAN IS A CREEP!!" I herd Winter yell.
She slammed her hands on the table. She looked back at me and laughed. She turned back around and whispered something to y/n. Y/n looked back at me. She smiled. After she turned around and bursted out laughing.
I sat up in my seat and furrowed my eyebrows at y/n.
"Your girls over there are being pretty sneaky." Mark says to all of us.
All the girls look back at us and stick their tongues out. We all do the same back. We all start laughing.
Y/n comes over and sits on my lap. Marzia, Molly, and Mandy all do the same to Felix, Bob, and Wade.
Winter sits close to y/n, far away from Mark. Winter whispers something to me and y/n.
"Why is he such a creep around me?" Winter asks whispering.
We both shrug. I wrap my arms around y/n's waist and rest my chin on her shoulder.
"You two remind me of high school so much. When you two were together." Winter chirps.
"Well everybody, off to bed." Y/n says.
They all get up and go to their rooms. Mark walks over to Winter. I listen to them closely and so does y/n.
"Hi, my name is Mark." Mark greets.
"Hi I'm Winter. Y/n's best friend." Winter greets back, not happy at all.
"I'm the one who's going to walk you down the isle on y/n and Jacks wedding day. I thought maybe since-"
"Slow down boy. I don't take boys seriously that way. I did back in high school. I wasn't proud of myself. Boys have to become my friend, my best friend first. I'm not going on all the "cheap stuff". I don't want anything to do with you until we become friends. Now excuse me, I'm going to my room."
Winter grabs her bags, leaving Mark dumbstruck at what just happened.
Y/n and I snort, trying to hold in our laughter. I mean, it was harsh but Mark did deserve it a little bit.
"That's the Winter White we know and love." I say, wrapping an arm around y/n's waist.
"It sure Jack, it sure is."

Always Loved {Jacksepticeye X Reader} #Wattys2016 (Completed)
FanfictionYou were packing your bags. You sighed and looked back at the empty house in good ol' Ireland. Tears formed in your eyes knowing you going to miss your best friend. You were only 17 and you decided to move to LA. "I'm going to miss you!" Sean/Jack...