She Can Be Nice | Pt. 2

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{Your POV}

What do you say?

You stood there dumb founded. Winter was on the verge of tears while Logan was gone probably eating something.

You took a deep breath and looked at her straight in the eyes.

"Look, Winter, I know last time was tough. You kissed my fiancé, who is now my lovely husband to the wonderful dad of our child. You didn't mean anything and I know it. So, I do forgive you. And please, please don't cry." You plead.

"Oh my god!! Thank you Y/n!! Thank you so much!! You are the best!! I promise!! I won't do anything stupid again!! I've learned my ways!" Winter cheers.

Winter hugs you tightly as snoring is herd from Jack. Winter pulls away as she looks behind you. She smiles.

"Is that Jack and Sam?" Winter asks.

"Yeah it is. Little father daughter nap time." You chuckle.

"Can I hold Sam?" Winter asks looking at you.

You shrug and walk over to Jack. Before you even reach over for Sam, she starts crying. Jack jumps and yawns.

He looks down and smiles at Sam as she cries. He looks at you with sleepy eyes.

"How long have I been asleep?" He asks sleepy.

"You have been asleep for about a half a hour." You say smiling.

Sam cries more. Jack squeezes crying Sam tighter as he sits up on the couch. He hands you Sam. He smiles at you while you take Sam from your arms. He pecks your cheek and smiles.

He smile then fades away as he spots Winter standing watching you all with a smile. Her smile turns into a guilty and shy smile.

"Hi Jack." She says shyly.

"What are you doing here?" He asks dryly through gritted teeth.

"I'm here for a visit. I came in with Logan." Winter says hurt.

"I herd my name!" Logan says walking into the living area.

"Sorry but I need to feed Sam." You excuse walking out of the room into the kitchen.

{Jack's POV}

"Why are you here?" I ask again standing in front of her.

By this time she looked scared and frightened. I didn't want to hurt her or anything but at the same time I did. I never did want to see her face again. She hurt my wife and I. I don't think she deserves to be in this house.

I softened down though. I'm not going to do anything to kill or damage her. I'm just going

"Okay, I'm sorry. Let me ask again. Why are you here?" I ask more softly taking a step back from her.

"I'm here because Logan was coming in today. I was with her so she brought me in. Y/n told Logan she could bring a friend. I'm Logan's friend." She says.

I nodded. Not because I didn't want to answer, just because I didn't have anything to say. What the fuck am I supposed to say on a time like this? Thank you? Oh. No! I'm just, just not going to respond.

So, since I didn't respond, I walked into the kitchen. I saw Y/n smiling and giggling at baby Sam. Sam was smiling and waving her arms, stomping her feet, and giggling as well.

Y/n looked up at me and smiled. I was smiling at this point. I was leaned up against the doorway. Y/n looked back at Sam.

"Where's daddy? Can you point to daddy?" Y/n asks whispering to Sam.

Sam just giggles and waves her arms in the air. She makes some little sounds and stomps her foot.

I walk over to Sam and pick her up into my arms. I plant a kiss on her forehead. She giggles hen sticks her fingers in her mouth.

"Hey! That's not very nice. Take those fingers out of your mouth." I chuckle taking her finger out of her mouth gently.

"Jack, give her back. I'm trying to feed her." Y/n chuckles.

"Fine there. But after she's fed, I'm taking her upstairs with me to record a video with me." I say.

I set Sam in her high chair. I looked at the time and it was 1:24 pm. I sigh and head into the living room.

"Oh Jack!! I have to tell you something later!" Y/n calls out.

"Okay!" I call back.

I see Winter and Logan playing a game on the TV. Looks like it was Mario Cart 8 for the Wii U. I sat down in the chair and watched them. Both girls were so focused into the game.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, NO!!!" Logan yells.

"Haha!! I'm the winner!!" Winter cheers.

"That was not fair!! You totally cheated!! What is your hack client?" Logan jokes.

Winter and Logan start laughing as they start a new race. I start to see that Winter has changed. She really isn't the old Winter that we knew before. She is very welcoming now.


{Your POV}

{7:30 pm}

"Mark!! Stop that! We haven't even started up the game. You can't start a call like that!" You squeal.

"Shut up woman. I want to see the amazing other girl. Show me her!!" He pleads.

"You may not be happy. In plus, you called me not Skyped me." You say.

Then the phone is hung up. You raise a brow. "Hello? Hello!? Mark!?" You question.

He hung up.

You groan and chuckle at the same time. You out the phone back in its spot. Your actual phone goes off. You take it out of your pocket to see a Skype call from Mark. You answer it.

"Mark! That was so rude!" You say.

"Can we get the game started now my queen?" Mark asks.

You smile as you start to head upstairs to the recording room.

"Yes we can. Jack is setting up so you can Skype his computer." You say.

Mark exits the call. "How rude." You mumble.

"Logan, Winter, we have to go upstairs." You call.

They start running up the steps like mad men. They zoom right passed you. You chuckle to yourself.

You eventually get to the recording room. On the screen is a frozen yet angry Mark. You look over at Winter. She is biting her fingernails. Logan and Jack look back at you with raised brows and a grin.

"Mark. She's changed. Don't worry. Besides, you have Logan. Shouldn't you be loving her all over." You say with a wink.

Logan slaps you. You jump and rub your arm.

"That's a good point. She has changed, I can tell." Mark says.

"Me too." You says.

"Me three!" Jack adds in.

We all chuckle. Bob and Wade eventually add in. You guys play GMod for a few hours. You all had a great time. You learned that Winter isn't as bad as you thought she was. But, this action brings you back to when Ramsey was the bridesmaid instead.

A tear slips from your eye but you wipe it away quickly.

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