{3rd Person}
Today was a very special day for Mark and Logan. Today was the day that they were going to get married. Now, they didn't want a big wedding but they weren't over the top as well. And, they weren't cheap.
Logan wore a sweat heart neckline dress that flows down and it had a small sparkle on it. Nothing fancy or girly for her. The bridesmaids, like Y/n, wore a maroon sweat heart neckline dress that flowed down at the bottom.
The bridesmaids hair was pulled back like a crown with a heart on the back of the head, signaling the love for Mark and Logan.
Right now, Logan is getting her hair all fixed up with her makeup as Y/n, Winter, Mandy, and Molly are talking to each other.
"This my first time being in a wedding. I wonder who I'm walking down with!!" Winter said.
"I don't know. But, I guess Mark brought another friend." Y/n said fixing her dress.
"I'm so happy for the both of them. Apparently since Logan is a Jammer, well, will be in her heart now. She will be Logan Fischbach." Mandy said.
"You can tell she's also very nervous." Molly said.
They all looked over to look at Logan who was staring at herself in the mirror, her face full of nervousness. She then got up, thanked her hairstylist, and went to put on her dress.
"Yup, she's nervous alright." Y/n said.
On the other side, down the road other side, Mark, Wade, Jack, Bob, and Matt were fixing their suits and keeping conversation, messing around with Mark. Just having a small fun time.
"You are going to be great out there, pal!" Wade said.
"You are going to be the best." Jack said.
"I'm marrying a Jammer. The other Jammer from the other that had passed." Mark said happy then disappointed.
"Don't feel depressed Mark, you have Logan. Everything is going to be okay." Matt comforted.
They all went into a group hug. Mark was happy that he had his friends. Down the street, the girls were also hugging, all praying for a good time.
It was time for wedding. The bridesmaids had already left and Logan was on her way to the church. When she did get there, Y/n and Molly were waiting for her outside.
Walking, Logan was super nervous as the girls could tell.
"Don't be nervous, Logan. You will be alright." Y/n said.
"Are you sure?" Logan asked.
"I'm positive." Molly said.
When they walked in, Winter and Jack came rushing towards them.
"What's going on? Aren't you guys supposed to be out there?" Logan asked whispering to Jack.
"I'm not walking down the isle with Winter here. I want to walk with my wife." Jack complained.
"Well, that's the way it is Jack. Winter is my best maid. You have to walk down the isle with her no matter what." Logan said.
Jack rolled his eyes and just walked away. Jack lined up with Winter, arm and arm, walking down the isle together, with fake smiles. Following after was Y/n and Matt, Bob and Mandy, last Wade and Molly.
Sam was the flower girl, putting the flowers down on the isle while Y/n's mom followed behind her to help.
Then, Logan walked down the isle alone. Without her father, or mother. It was just her. She could see her sister standing next to Mark with her eyes bright and her smile shining the church up for her.
Leaving to everything, when they stood face to face, nothing blocking their way of getting married, it flew so fast that they already had to say their vows. Logan started first.
"I have lived a hard life before I met a man of my sister. When I first saw Mark, he was with my very dear sister, who had made everything happen to happiness for her. I was happy. When she did pass, I know Mark was not a good man of learning, which I wasn't either. I went back to my dark phase so I contacted Mark. I have been with him for 3 long years and still more to come. With a new family, and new friends, I had changed. Even though I'm that pain in the butt tom boy girl, all I want you to know is that, I'm your pain in the butt tom boy girl. And, I love you with all my heart."
Logan and Mark had tears while behind them, Jack was crying and so was Y/n. Winter had tears and so did Molly and Mandy. Along with Bob, Wade, and Matt.
So, it was Marks turn to take a toll on his vow.
"Okay, so, I'm Mark. A man who does nothing but sit on his butt all day. When I met Ramsey, I knew that I would have been marrying a Jammer, with no doubt. Though, when she passed, I was a man who turned for the worst. I then received a message one day, saying that I had a person trying to contact me. That person was Firefly_Fluffers. So, I answered back. It was Logan. A girl who had made my three years of my life the best could ever happen. This year, 2018, is the year where I learned that I had much more years to come. I don't know how I did it or how I made it but I'm marrying a Jammer. They are the best perplexed that could ever happen to me. I love you, Logan. With all my heart."
Putting the rings, and looking at each other for the last time as boyfriend and girlfriend. They gave out their first kiss of marriage. There, running up with isle together, hand in hand, with tear stained faces and happiness.
Though, Jack and Y/n didn't have anything planned ahead for them...
Still confident on your guess of who Jack cheated with?

Always Loved {Jacksepticeye X Reader} #Wattys2016 (Completed)
FanfictionYou were packing your bags. You sighed and looked back at the empty house in good ol' Ireland. Tears formed in your eyes knowing you going to miss your best friend. You were only 17 and you decided to move to LA. "I'm going to miss you!" Sean/Jack...