Everything Is Just Fine Now

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{Your POV}

Mark went back to America. Mark asked Logan if she wanted to come with and she said yes. She probably is doing so much better.

You, however, ever since Mark left with Logan, you felt extremely lonely. You felt like you had no friends to be with you by your side anymore. They were either far away, gone somewhere, or dead.

As you say on the couch, small tears rolling down your cheeks, the radio playing songs that didn't help your mood, you knew today was going to be a crapy day.

On the other hand, Jack was busy with his YouTube career. He seemed more into it then spending time with you. It pissed you off more than anything because you wanted to spend time with your husband.

"That's it! I've had enough! I'm going up right now!! I don't care if I'm pregnant! He is going to be a fucking head on a stick." You say angrily to yourself.

You stomp up the stairs towards Jack's recording room. You go to open the door but it was locked.

"Fucking open the door god dammit Jack!!" You yell banging on the door.

Jack open the door no looks at you with a worried expression. He looks terrified at your actions.

"What's wrong?" He asks gulping hard.

"Wh-what's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG!? I haven't been able to spend quality time with my own husband!! Don't you think that's a problem!?" You yell pissed off.

"Now calm down!! I've been so busy because I'm making extra videos so when Sam comes along, I have something to post so I can spend time with you!!" He says raising his voice.

"Don't shout at me Mr. McLoughlin!!" You yell.

"Well you shouldn't yell at me either Mrs. McLoughlin!!!" He yells back.

"Maybe you shouldn't be on your computer all day and GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS AND SPEND SOME TIME WITH YOUR PREGNANT WIFE!!" You shout.


You gasp and slap his face, hard. You stomp back downstairs and slip on your shoes. You grab your jacket and phone and walk out the door, slamming it shut.


"Sweetie, it's fine. He just doesn't understand love." Your friend, Deric, says.

"Deric, it seems like he doesn't understand anymore. I want to be with my husband. All he does is....is....."

You bust out crying. Deric kept ahold of you as you cried into your chest.

Deric was your gay best friend since collage. It has been awhile since you two talked and he found it surprising to find you at his doorstep.

"C-can you walk me home? I don't w-want to go back m-myself." You say, taking shaky breaths once and awhile.

It was midnight. You have been at Deric's house for 5 hours. Texts and phone calls came from Jack but you didn't answer any.

Before you left Deric's house, you decided to check your messages that Jack sent you.

Jack: You better have ran. I don't want you to be back for awhile.

Jack: It has been 2 hours. My heart is pending out of my chest. I'm started to get worried.

Jack: Y/n M/n McLoughlin, where are you!? Please answer!!

Jack: You are scaring me. Has something happened? Y/n, I want you to answer please!!

Jack: I give up, it's been more than 5 hours. The door is unlocked if you're coming home. I'll be on the couch sleeping. You take the bed. See you in the morning, if you ever come home. Love from, Jackass xoxo

"Are you coming?" Deric asks, holding out his hand.

"Huh? Oh, y-yeah. I'm coming." You stutter.


"You can stay the night if you want to. I don't want you to walk home in the dark." You suggest.

"No no darling. You handle things on your own. I'll be fine. Sweet dreams and be sure to text me when everything is settled. I want to see the handsome man you married." He winks.

You chuckle and give him a hug goodbye. He walks away as you enter the "wonderful world" of your home.

You close the door behind you quietly. You slip off your shoes and coat and start tip-toeing to the stairs.

It failed because you weren't the weight you used to be. The tip-toeing became loud footsteps.

"Y/n? Is that you?" Asks a sleepy Jack, turning on the lamp.

You take a deep sigh and look at him. "Yes, it's me Jack." You reply sadly,

He springs up and run towards you. His arms wrapped around your waist as his face goes into your shoulder.

"I was so scared!!! Don't scare me like that!! I thought you were hurt!! I thought Sam was hurt!!" Jack weeps.

"I'm fine! Sam is fine!! Everything is fine!" You chuckle a small bit.

"No it's not!! You scared me badly, I couldn't even focus on my recordings. The fans will-"

"There you go again Jack!! Always talking about your fans!! Not the family!! Jack, it gets annoying after awhile. You just can't bring them up there at the top." You say pulling away from him.

"That's because my family is on top of the list. You, Sam, everyone in the family. Mom, dad, your mom, your dad. Everyone. Y/n, I love you so very much!" He says planting a kiss on your forehead.

"I love you too Jack." You say.

You notice the handprint on Jack's cheek. "I'm sorry shot slapping you." You apologize.

"Hey, I deserved it. I was being an ass. Everything is fine now. Isn't it."

"It sure is."

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