{Ramsey's POV}
As they keep telling me more and more, my mind just slips away. I guess my time here has been giving up. All I know is that, that I'm a 16 year old.
My best friend is Y/n M/n L/n. She is the best. She has a boyfriend named Seân McLoughlin. I've always had a crush on him.
Maybe, just maybe, I'll see them break up. I want to be with Jack. Everyone does. Jack is like the most popular kid in school.
He is starred in a band. They play heavy metal. Seân has earrings. Big one too. I don't want that to change.
But, for right now, I'm stuck in this hospital room, listening to y/n ramble, pointing to pictures that look totally late 2000s.
"I'll see you in a while Ramsey." Y/n says.
"Correction!" I say, one finger in the air, "I'll see you tomorrow at school."
"U-uh, yeah-yeah. I'll see you in school, tomorrow." She says.
Then, she walks out of the room. Another man walks in. He looks very handsome. His dark black hair.
Is he new?
He seems to be crying. He looks at me and runs over to me. He gives me a great big hug as he cries into my shoulder.
"Ramsey, I missed you." He says sobbing.
"I don't know you. But, I have a feeling that you know me. Let me introduce myself to you. I'm Ramsey Jammer. I'm a 16 year old student. I have two great friends, Y/n and Seân." I say, breaking away form his embrace.
His smile turns into a frown. More tears roll down his cheeks. Just then, a man shows up at my door. A light glowing around his body.
"Mark!! Look!! Over there!!" I says, pointing to the man.
Mark's face lights up a little. But, when he sees me pointing to the door, his face turns into confusion with a lot of sadness.
{Marks POV}
"Don't you see him!! He's over there!! He's calling for me!! Mark, he's calling for me!!" Ramsey repeats over and over again.
I don't see anything. I don't know what's happening. Her hand fades as her face turns into a pale white ghost.
Her body gives up as she looks at me weakly. I don't know what to do. I'm confused, scared, sad, too many emotions run into my body.
"Okay, Ramsey. Everything will be just fine, I promise. Everything will be just fine!" I say trying to take hold of my worry ness.
Ramsey takes my arm weakly and forces me to look her,
"I'm dying." She whispers.
My heart sank right down to the pit of my stomach. She, she can't be dying. Not yet!! I had plans!!! I had fucking plans!!!
I was going to take her out!! I was going to marry her!!! I was going to have kids with her!!! She was the one I cared mostly about!! I love this girl to bits and pieces!! She is dying, fucking dying I front of me!! Right there!!! She's dying!!
Mark, get a hold of yourself and start talking you sack of shit!!
"Okay, okay. Ramsey, this is going to be hard for me but I love you so very much. The day you came into the door of Jack's and Y/n's house was the day I knew you would love me. I knew that day I was going to have a girl who is going to make my world happier and brighter. If I knew before that you had this condition, I was going to take care of you, be by your side the whole time. I would chant for you to keep fighting and keep going. I knew you were going to make it longer than this. I don't want you to go Ramsey!! Not yet, not now!! I had plans for us!! I was going to ask you to marry me!! I wanted to have kids with you!! You are my true love. I don't think anyone can top that!! There is one thing, I want to do, before you go."
I pull out the ring I was going to ask her to marry me with. I get down on one knee, tears flowing like a waterfall down my eyes, down my cheeks, rolling off my chin, to the floor.
"Ramsey Jammer, will you marry me?" I ask sobbing like a fucking big fat sweaty man.
"Yes, Mark, I will marry you." Ramsey says weakly.
I smile so very weakly. Her smile is so much more weak than mine. I chuckle a bit as I kiss her, for now I know the very last time.
"Mark, I love you, so so much.' She says.
"I love you too, sweet pea." I sob.
As I slip the ring on her finger, she closes her eyes and takes her last breath. My tears are now uncontrollable.
My body collapses on the floor. I curl myself into a ball and tuck my head in my knees. She's gone forever.
My one and only girl, gone forever.

Always Loved {Jacksepticeye X Reader} #Wattys2016 (Completed)
FanficYou were packing your bags. You sighed and looked back at the empty house in good ol' Ireland. Tears formed in your eyes knowing you going to miss your best friend. You were only 17 and you decided to move to LA. "I'm going to miss you!" Sean/Jack...