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Jack's POV

I sat in the taxi. The rain dropping on the window of the moving car as I looked outside. Today, I was about to see Y/n for the first time in nine years.

I don't know how it's going to turn out because I missed her a lot but it seems like she did this for a reason.

I'm going to get Y/n back, no matter what. Even if it means life or death. There is a way where I will make her come back with me.

The hospital was in view which made my heart race. But for a fact, I didn't know if this was a good idea now. She left me for a reason and I don't think she wants to see me again.

The vehicle stopped. I thanked the driver and payed him his money. I stepped out to the cold air of the morning. Which was only 9am. The closer I got to the hospital, the faster my heart sped up.

Once entered, I walked up to the front desk. A lady very old was looking at her computer so intently that it seemed like that was the most important thing in the world.

"Excuse me. Ma'am." I said.

She looked up at me and smiled. She rolled back to get a better look at me from her desk.

"Hello! What may I do for you?" She asked.

"Yes. What room is, um, Y/n McLoughlin or L/n. Whatever she put her name in as." I said feeling embarrassed.

She rolled back over to her computer. While she was typing, she brought up a small conversation.

"I recognize your voice and facial features from somewhere. From my grandkids tablets and all that new stuff." She said.

"Oh. Well, I'm Jacksepticeye on YouTube. I get that a lot. I play video games for entertainment and really, it's so much fun. Having such a big community that give me so much love also." I smiled.

"Yeah. Well, my grandkids are big fans. Every time I come over, the TV is replaced with YouTube and you're on it. You really make them happy. Keep up the good work." She said smiling at me.

I smiled back. That really did make my day. I know people say it to me all the time but she really did bring up my mood that day. I felt more light and airy.

"Okay. Y/n McLoughlin. On the third floor in room 378." She said.

"Thank you so much." I said and smiled at her.

She smiled back and then I walked away.


I stood in front of the door. Rethinking if I should do this or not. I was too chicken because I didn't want her to yell at me. I then just gave in.

I grabbed the doorknob and twisted it. I opened it so that all I could see was her on the other side of the room. I didn't want her to see me.

But, that failed.

We made eye contact which made me turn bright red in the face. I gripped so hard on the handle that I though I would loose my fingers right then and there.

"Sean...?" She asked from inside the room.

I opened the door wider so that my whole body could be seen. I stepped in and closed the door behind me as I was still looking at her.

"Hi Y/n." I said giving a little wave.

Tears started forming in both of our eyes. One escaped my eye as she held up her arms. There, I ran to her and hugged her tightly.

We rocked back and forth as we cried on each other's shoulders. Of course, we could tell we missed each other. Way too much.

"Sean, I'm s-so sorry. Please forgive me." Y/n whisper cried.

"There is only one way I can." I cried pulling back.

"What do you-"

Then, I kissed her. Sparks flew just like so many years ago. She wrapped her arms around my neck as my arms slithered around her waist. We didn't care if our years we smudging each other.

We pulled back and looked at each other bagged, beat red eyes. Though they were that way, they were full of love.

I hugged her again, both of us resting our heads on our shoulders. I rocked us back and forth while we just sat there, in complete silence.

I never thought I'd miss someone as much as her.

Always Loved {Jacksepticeye X Reader} #Wattys2016 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now