Sam's Cuteness

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{Your POV}

2 Weeks Later

"Maybe, just maybe, I'll stop. I'm not saying I will. But, I'll try to." Logan says, sitting on the counter watching you cook.

"Well, maybe you will. What do you want on the pizza?" You ask, opening the refrigerator.

"Extra cheese!! I want the thing to just goo off!!" Logan says, pretending to pull the cheese of the pizza.

You chuckle and take the cheese out. You pour the rest of the cheese on the pizza and put it in the oven.

"I'll make another one since I have extra crust." You say.

"Honey!! I'm home!!! I brought home a Mark. He costed a lot of money to buy." Jack says.

You snort. Jack comes and kisses your cheek. He sets the grocery bags on the table. Mark then comes in holding a sleeping Sam.

"Where do you want me to put her?" Mark whispers.

"Oh no, no, no!! Wake her up!! She won't go to sleep if she sleeps now!!" You say rushing over to Mark.

You take Sam in your arms. You shake her tiny arm as she tosses and turns in your arms. You smile knowing she's waking up.

You sit down on the couch and sush her. Her small cries come out of her tiny mouth but, they go away as her baby eyes open up.

"Hey Sam! You were gone almost all day!! I didn't get to see my baby girl." You coo.

Sam grabs your finger into her tiny hand. You smile and shake it a small bit, not a whole lot. You kiss the top of her head.

"Awe, mommy and Sam together! How adorable!!" You hear Jack squeal.

"Mhm. I don't get her very often because you or Mark either have her. I need time with my daughter also." You chuckle.

"Well, it's not our faults. Sam is the most cutest thing in the world!! I love her to bits!!" Jack says taking a seat next to you.

Sam giggles and smiles at you. You smile back.

"She is so adorable." You whisper. "She looks like you. She has your hair, your eyes, your nose. She doesn't have anything of me!!"

"Someone is getting jealous here." Jack chuckles.

"Y/N!! COME GET THE FUCKING PIZZA!!!" Logan yells.



You chuckle and hand Sam to Jack. He smiles and kisses her head.

As you walk into the kitchen, you find Mark and Logan talking to each other, having a few laughs, probably flirting.


"How old is Sam?" Logan asks.

"A month." You reply, taking a bite of your 3 slice of pizza.

"Mark, shouldn't you leave pretty soon? I mean, you have to get to L.A. Pretty soon." Jack says.

"Well, I'm thinking about moving to Ireland. I'm probably not going to though. It depends." Mark shrugs.

Sam squeals and giggles. She kicks her feet and waves her arms in the baby seat. You smile and pinch her cheek.

"She is so adorable." Mark smiles keeping an eye on Sam.

"I know she is. She is my daughter. Mine." Jack says also keeping an eye on Sam.

"Sam is making everyone all goggly-eyed. She has way too much cuteness." Logan says, keeping an eye on her pizza.

"Yup. She does. Made from Jack and I." You chuckle.

"Woah, woah, woah! Dick jokes are not allowed in the area. There is a baby in the room." Jack says.

"Well there is certainly no swearing allowed either mister. You better watch your mouth." You say.

Jack rolls his eyes playfully then takes a bite out of his pizza.


"Can I spend the night? Parents don't care where I'm at anyway. They don't even care about me anymore because of what happened with Ramsey." Logan says, looking down at her phone.

"Yeah you can." You say, rocking baby Sam.

You him out a tune. Not just a tune, a tune your parents sang to you when you were a child. Jack caught you singing this song in the shower also.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take, my sunshine away." You sing softly.

"Y/n, I'm getting my hair dyed tomorrow. You wanna come?" Logan asks.

"Yeah, I would love to. I don't like the way my hair is now. I want it colored. Maybe blue again. I also want it short." You say.

"Why don't we all get our hair dyed?" Jack suggests.

"Well, I'm doing a charity live stream pretty soon. I want to get my hair dyed for it." Mark says.

"I'll do it with you." Jack says.

You snort at the thought of seeing your husband with green hair. You full on laughter comes out with the thought of Mark with pink hair.

"Haha, very funny. I'm serious." Mark says.

"Okay then, we're all getting our hair dyed then?" Logan asks.

"You betcha!"

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