Visiters...Um...NO WAY!!! Pt.2️⃣

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Jack's POV

When they took off their masks, I was dumbstruck. I was not expecting my week to get any better. First, I have spent so much father daughter time with Sam, then Mark and Logan come along, now this!!

"They're not robots, are they!?" I asked Mark holding in my excitement.

"Yeah, totally. We brought robots to you." Mark said sarcastically.

"Dad, who is this? Well, who are they?" Sam asked still looking at them.

Should I say to her? I have no clue. I just want to give them huge hugs but I don't think they know who I am.

But, they are twins. They are almost identical but they have different things in them. But all three together have brown hair. It's amazing.

"Dad, who is this!?" Sam asked.

"I-I'll tell you later. Why don't you go play with them." I said.

"But we just met, dad." The one said.

My eyes literally lite up with excitement and so much relief. I wanted to jump around and hug Mark and Logan so much and so badly.

"Just go. Okay. I'll talk to you guys later." I said about to burst.

They said okay and ran off upstairs. After I herd the door close, I started screaming and jumping around everywhere. I hugged Logan and Mark, while jumping up and down like a maniac.

"Dude, calm down." Mark said laughing a little.

"I can't!! I finally get to have my kids! All of them!! Nixon, Autumn, and Sam. I'm so happy!!!" I squealed.

"Well, we have some bad news for you Jack. So, can we talk?" Logan asked pointing to the seats to sit.

I stopped and gave them a worried expression. I never did like hearing bad news because it scares me.

"Logan! She told us not to tell him!!" Mark exclaimed punching her in the arm.

"First off, ow. Second off, we are telling him. No matter what." Logan said.

"What's going on? What's happening!?" I asked worriedly.

"Can we sit first?" Logan asked.

"Logan, I'm warning you-"

"You're warning my ass. Jack, sit!" Logan said sternly pointing at the recliner.

I sat in it while Logan and Mark sat on the sofa across from me. From this all going on, it's getting me worried that something bad happened.

"There is a reason why you are Kelli g you kids, Jack. This reason is something we did not expect in a long time which wasn't something we were planning on telling you or her telling us." Logan said.

"Logan, please, anything to make you shut up." Mark pleaded.

"Will you shut the fuck up already!!!" Logan yelled, causing the kids to run down the stairs.

"Dad, what's going on?" Sam asked.

"Nothing, just go back to your room." I said looking at her with pleading eyes.

"Please dad, tell us what's wrong." One of the kids said.

"Yeah please!?" The other one said,


They all gave me one last look before they all went back upstairs. I looked back St Logan and Mark who seemed to be a little surprised of my actions.

"They have to be used to it by now." I said.

"Well, Nixon and Autumn aren't. You have to believe me." Logan said.

"What do you mean!? They haven't had a punishment?!" I asked.

"Okay, just listen to me right now!!" Logan angered.

"Well, I want to know why they never had a punishment!"

"Jack just listen and stop asking stupid-"

"They are my children Logan, you have to-"

"They never had a punishment okay! Y/n is in the fucking hospital because she had a severe accident! That's why your children are here!!!" Logan shouted,

I froze in place. Those 12 words hit me like a drunk driver not paying attention to the road.

"Look, Jack, she was going to come back here to Ireland with you. She wanted to come back with you, wanted to be with you for the rest of your life, with the children, everything! The plane crashed and almost everyone was injured. Nixon and Autumn were the only ones who weren't seriously injured. They do have scars that will last on their backs, arms, and legs. Y/n though wasn't lucky. She's in the hospital in the U.K. where she lived with Felix and Marzia for those nine years. I'm so sorry Jack. So very sorry." Logan explained.

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