"Dont Come Near Me Freak"

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{Your POV}

You held onto Marks hand while kissing Jack.

You felt so bad. You forgot to let go. You totally forgot.

'Does that mean I'm a bad person?' You think.

"Well, this was very invent full but I think we should go home!" Bob says.

Everyone agrees and you all start walking back to the house. You walked in the back, away from everyone else.

"Baby cakes, come up here with us!" Jack yells.

"No, no. I'm good. Thanks." You say.

You keep walking, with your head low and your hands in your pockets.

"What have I done?" You mutter to yourself.

Suddenly, an arm wraps around your waist. You jump and push it off.

"Can I not hold my girl?" Jack asks.

"I want to be alone." You coldly say.

"Is there something wrong?" Jack asks.

"Yes there is!! Now, can I have my personal privacy over here!? I already said it once. I. Want. To. Be. Alone!" You say through gritted teeth.

Jack nods and walks ahead. Everyone stops to talk but you just walk up ahead from them. You didn't want anyone near you.

"Y/n, listen, I-"


He looks hurt by what you said. You felt bad.

"Look, Jack, I'm sorry but-"

"No-no, it-it's fine. You want your privacy. That's fine. I guess I'll just, be on my own for the rest of the night. T-that's cool." He says coldly.

Then he just walks off. You throw your hands in the air yell. You your hands in your hair and start to pull it.



You were in the house, on the couch, at 2:30 a.m. You were alone, on your phone. You were listening to classical music.

Suddenly, there is a rap on your shoulder. You jump and turn to see who it is. It was a sleepy Jack.

You roll your eyes and turn around, focusing on your phone. Jack pulled your earbuds out of your ears,

He sat down next to you because you felt the couch shift. His head rested on your shoulder and his eyes were closed.

"Please go to sleep y/n." Jack says yawning.

"Why should I? You hate me anyways." You say scrolling down.

Jack touches your arm and slides it down to your hand. He feels your phone and shuts it off.

"Mother fucker!" You yell.

"Shut up y/n! Just. Go. To. Bed!" He whisper/yells.

You groan and push his head off your shoulder. He gets angers and stomps on the ground hard.

"Why are you so hard to get?" He asks angrily.

"Because I am. I wanted my own privacy and all you do is come and get in the way!!" You yell.

"Well it's not my fault!! I fucking worry about you!! What is the problem with being protective, loving, and caring, huh!?" He asks getting very pissed.

"Well, one thing is for sure, when a woman says she wants her privacy, you give it to them because they want to be ALONE!!" You shout.

Next thing you know, you feel a sharp sting across the cheek. You gasp and put your hand on your cheek.

"Oh my god." Jack mumbles.

You start crying. "You fucking hit me!" You cry.

"I'm so sorry." Jack says softly.

He goes to touch you but you slap his hand away.

"Don't touch me freak!!" You yell sobbing.

You run out of the living room. You go into your bedroom and lock the door shut. You jump onto the bed and start balling.

"Why me? Why me?" You keep repeating.

You scream into a pillow. You herd s knock on the door.

"Baby cakes, p-please let m-me in!" Jack stutters, obviously showing that he was crying.

"Don't come near me freak!" You scream.

Always Loved {Jacksepticeye X Reader} #Wattys2016 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now