Chim - Choices (Sequel to Lights Out)

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Chapter One

“Why are you buying all this stuff anyway Walsh? We never normally buy this,” Cheryl moaned as we traipsed the aisles of our local Tesco , picking up and frowning at the contents of our shopping trolley.

“Because we have things to celebrate tonight babe, I’ve told you,” I said, moving the trolley along and stopping at the vegetables, “I’m going to make something special for us both for when you get in from dance rehearsals.”

“Yeah I know,” she sighed, moping along behind me, food shopping was really not her thing, “I just don’t want you to go to a special effort or anything, I like it when we’re just normal,” she shrugged, as I added more items to the trolley.

“I know babe, but I want to,” I turned around and smiled at her. Before adding a vegetable that earnt a big frown from Cheryl, I smiled at her expression, “Cheryl, if we had it your way, we’d have pizza and chips every night,” I said, pushing the trolley on further, before stopping at the next section.

“And what’s wrong with that?” She laughed.

“Well, nothing for you, look at you, you dance it right off, me it just sits on me,” I frowned, trying to flatten down my curves.

“Hey!” She frowned, “don’t say that, it’s not true,” she moved closer towards me, removing my hands from my hips and replacing them with her own. “I love your body babe, you know that,” she smiled, giving me a peck on the lips.

“It’s not as good as your athletic physique,” I frowned, resting my hands over her’s, half reassured by her, half still unsure.

“Shut it you,” she smiled, “I thought I proved how much I love your body last night?” She winked, making me blush slightly. “Or do you need reminding tonight?” She asked as she pushed up against my body, making me blush even more, but equally interested in the night ahead.

I smiled at her, turning around slightly to carry on moving the trolley, “I think I need reminding tonight.” I was looking forward to tonight; it was our two year anniversary of living together in our flat. I was planning to make it special, nice meal, a bottle of wine, Buster, early night...Perfect.

“That is not a problem,” she smiled as she kissed me on the cheek whilst we walked, a difficult task as I attempted to weave my way in between other shoppers. I carried on mulling over items in the aisles, Cheryl becoming increasingly moany and frustrated, “I swear it’s like bringing a child out,” I said, I got a tongue poke out as a response.

“Cheryl!” I shrieked, as she nudged the trolley purposely, causing it to crash into a grumpy looking lady’s own trolley, which in turn crashed into the shelf, causing tins of food to fall all over the aisle floor,  this was Cheryl’s favourite game for entertainment on boring shopping trips.

“I’m so sorry,” I said desperately, bending over to try and retrieve the knocked off cans from the floor. I got back up to be met with a huge frown from the women, muttering something under her breath, all while Cheryl was sniggering behind me.  “I can’t believe you just did that,” I shrieked, pushing the trolley on quickly, wanting to get out of the shop as quickly as possible, I guess giving Cheryl what she wanted.

“Come on admit it, it was fcuking hilarious” she laughed, loading the shopping onto the conveyer belt. I on the other hand wasn’t laughing,

“It wasn’t ‘fcuking’ hilarious, it was fcuking embarrassing Cheryl,” I said, taking my anger out on the shopping items, practically throwing them on to the belt.

I looked up, she was still smiling, the smile that I could never resist, dimples and big brown hooded eyes and I couldn’t help but smile to. “Okay it was kind of funny, but not for me, I was the one she thought had launched my trolley at her,”

Chim - Choices (Sequel to Lights Out)Where stories live. Discover now