Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

I applied my mascara delicately and almost to perfection to my eye, repeating the action to my other.  Getting glammed up for a night out was always fun, but I was also kind of nervous. Cheryl had been invited to a big club opening in London, she was allowed to bring guests, so naturally she was bringing me and the other girls along. But it was weird, it was like all of a sudden, Cheryl was a celebrity.

As I was all ready and had a bit of time to spare whilst Cheryl was still getting ready, I sat down, picking up an unread magazine that I found on the coffee table,

‘ Stunning new dance, R’n’b star Cheryl Tweedy, has had a whirlwind of a past two months, but is a whirlwind  romance on the cards too?

Closer magazine can exclusively reveal from the pictures above that Cheryl is growing increasingly close to rapper On night out in various clubs one source says, “Cheryl certainly looked very cosy with and his friends. She was laughing, joking and knocking the drinks back – they looked just like any young couple to be honest.”

Cheryl, 21, is thought to be –,’

“Babe, please just put that down, you know it’s a load of rubbish,” Cheryl said, wrapping her arms around my neck from behind the sofa.

“I know,” I sighed, “it’s just the like the fifth one this week!” I moaned, breaking from her embrace and standing up at the recollection of every magazine I picked up this week had Cheryl and in it.

“I know, I wish they wouldn’t just print sh!t, but it’s going to happen – everyone on the team has warned me. I guess its good publicity though I suppose,” she said, standing up, trying to make light of the situation.

“Good publicity for you.” I spat, maybe a bit too hard. She looked hurt, so I walked over to her, regretting what I said, taking in how beautiful she looked tonight. Wrapping my arms around her, I pulled her close and sighed, breathing in her distinctive scent. “I’m sorry, I just don’t like reading that stuff,”

“It’s okay, I do understand, you just can’t let it effect you. I love you and no one else, remember that Walsh,” she said softly, pulling back from me and kissing me firmly on the lips.

I pushed back against her lips, running my tongue along her bottom lip, she moaned and parted her mouth slightly, meeting my tongue with her own. She pulled me in closer, running her hands up and down my back, resting them on my bum. My hands found my way into her hair, playing with her long locks lightly. She pushed me up against the wall, I was very wary of the time, knowing that our taxi would beep any moment, but there was something about Cheryl that was simply irresistible.

“I want you baby,” she whispered in my ear, sending shivers throughout my body.

“Someone’s a bit flustered,” I giggled, as Cheryl kissed and nibbled at my neck.

“I know,” she breathed, “but we haven’t done it in ages,” she exaggerated, although it had been a while.

“Because these days, one of us is always either busy or tired,” I sighed, kissing her again. Right on cue it seemed we heard a car horn.

“Urghh,” she sighed, frustrated, pulling back looking flustered, “I want you tonight though,” she ordered. I laughed, helping her fix her hair again.

“Agreed,” I giggled, pulling her out the door, not before giving her another kiss.


“Awooo, we’re nearly here,” Sarah smiled, “I’m so excited,” she chirped, from the back of the taxi.

“I would have never guessed,” Cheryl laughed, reaching for my hand.

“This is so cool though, I mean, it’s a brand new club and we’re V.I.P’s,” an excited Nicola added.

“All thanks to this lady,” Nadine, said, rubbing Cheryl’s shoulders from behind her.

“Yeah, Miss Celebrity,” I giggled nudging Cheryl softly in the sides.

“Shut up you lot, I’m not a celebrity,” Cheryl said, squirming slightly.

“Well no tramp would of got us into this place,” Sarah said, gesturing out the window, sounding slightly in awe.

I swung my head around to take a look out the window, an entrance could be seen at the end of a long line of people, fortunately we wouldn’t have to queue to get in. Lights were flashing everywhere, I didn’t realise why until Nadine pointed it out,

“Oh my god, they got pap’s outside! I knew I should have looked in the mirror one more time before I left!” She moaned.

I could sense Sarah was going to tease back with some witty comment, but thankfully she was interrupted by the taxi coming to a halt, and the driver sliding the door on my side open,”

“When you’re ready ladies,” he smiled, holding out his hand to help me get out.

The flashing lights were almost blinding, twenty odd men shouting various names, I’m sure they were very disappointed when I jumped out. I waited for Cheryl to climb her way out of the taxi and grabbed her hand, for comfort more then anything,

“Cheryl! Cheryl! Over here love, give me a shot,” could be heard coming from the men with cameras. They had obviously clicked to who Cheryl was very quickly, but I was quickly distracted from that. As soon as they started shouting Cheryl’s name, she flung my hand off of hers, like I was disease ridden and shouldn’t be touched. I thought she had slipped so as we made our way towards the entrance I went to grab it again, but she quickly moved her hand out of my reach, I looked at her, my expression must of been obvious, but instead she just looked to the ground, before she was distracted by Sarah,

“Oh my god Cheryl! Did you see all them calling your name?” She said excitedly, as we were let past the bouncers into the, loud, busy club.

Cheryl just turned and smiled at her, before leading us over to one of many booths.

“Jesus, have you seen how many celebs are here?” Shrieked Nicola, peering round the side of the booth, trying to get a glimpse of them.

“Nicola! Put your head back in, you don’t want to show us or Cheryl up!” Nadine, said, pulling Nadine back in.

“It’s okay,” laughed Cheryl, “I’m exactly the same, I’ve never seen anything like it!”

I didn’t say anything, I was confused as to what Cheryl did. Was it just an accident and a coincidence that she moved her hand, it seems such a trivial thing, but it was a big deal to me, she was sending out all the wrong signals,

“Are you okay hun?” Sarah asked, causing everyone to turn towards me.

“Uhh yeah fine,” I lied, as Sarah eyed me up suspiciously.

There wasn’t much time for the girls to dwell on my answer, because a short, blonde haired, man appeared at the table, “Cheryl!” he exclaimed.

“Steve,” she smiled back, standing up and giving him a kiss on each cheek. He looked around the table, eyeing us all up. Creep. “Girls this is Steve, he helped me a lot with the single, he’s part of’s team,” she smiled.  All the girls said hello, simultaneously and even I managed a small ‘hi.’ Even if it was blunt as hell. 

Cheryl went on to introduce us all separately, “Steve these are my closest friends, Nadine, Sarah and Nicola,” they all smiled and nodded, he looked towards me, “and this is Kimberley, my – my- flatmate.” Her what? Her flatmate.

“I think she’s a bit more then that Chez,” Sarah smiled, Steve was smiling looking at me, he went to open his mouth but was thankfully nudged by one of the many waiters handing out drinks, he stopped her and grabbed five, handing us each a colourful looking cocktail, I however was not in the mood to be here anymore. If all I was to her was a ‘flatmate’ then what had I been doing for the last five years?

Chim - Choices (Sequel to Lights Out)Where stories live. Discover now