Chapter 28

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

“Christ your maid service is going to cost alot,” Kimberley gasped, as she looked around my very messy hotel room. Clothes were flung everywhere, empty glasses on every surface and the bed covers thrown back,

“Well I didn’t get much time to clean for meself, this was never meant to be temporary either way,” I frowned, finding  my suitcase and packing things hastily away into it, she began to help.

“You know I was thinking, the girls will want to know about us, shall I invite them round tonight?” She asked as I found yet more clothes and threw them in the case.

I smiled gratefully, “I’d like that, but don’t tell them we’re back together on the phone, will be more fun that way,” I winked, thinking how fun it would be to see the girls expressions when they realise I’m back.

“Oh Cheryl, you big tease. You know they are going to be moaning at us all night? About why we took so long and that,” she sighed.

“Yeah I know, but I think we can deal with that babe don’t you?” I said, zipping up the case.

“I think we can,” she smiled, we looked lovingly at each other for a moment before she said,

“Come on, let’s get out of here.”


“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Cheryl and the girlfriend who shattered the dream,” we both turned around in the hotel lobby to see a smarmy looking Steve.

“The only thing she’ll be shattering is your nose,” I shot back, reaching for her hand which she gripped tightly.

He laughed cruelly, “I hope you don’t regret missing that signing today Cheryl,”

“don’t worry I won’t,” I sneered, tugging Kimberley so she began to walk towards the exit, away from him.

“You could of bee amazing Cheryl, remember that,” he called after us as we left the building.

I knew what he said had hurt her, but I wanted to get us out of the street before I comforted her. What he said to me had probably hurt her more then it had me, because it just aroused all her fears again, even though I knew they weren’t true in the slightest, I’d rather have nothing and be with Kimberley, then have everything and not be with her.

The drive home was a quiet one,  I don’t think she wanted me to know she was upset, but I could always tell what Kimberley was thinking, as soon as we got back in the flat she made her excuses and escaped into the bedroom, I wasn’t far behind. I entered the room to find her sat with her head in her hands sat on the bed, a sight that made my heart break,

“Kimberley, please don’t listen to what he said,” I pleaded, kneeling before her, “he’s the biggest jerk I’ve ever met, please don’t listen to him,”

“I just feel guilty,” she eventually said, taking her face out of her hands, her make up was smudged slightly from a few stray tears.

“For what? For making me the happy again? For making me feel good about myself again, because I know I’m loved by you? For making my love for you not hurt anymore because it’s allowed now!” I exclaimed, shaking her slightly, my hands resting on her knees.

“You feel all that now?” She said, her eyes widening and meeting my own, a smile threatening to adorn her lips.

“I do, all because of you,” I smiled, which she returned. I rested my head on her lap and enjoyed the feeling of her stroking my hair, I could of happily led like that forever but knew if we wanted the girls over we had to get a move on, with great reluctance I lifted my head, “come on, let’s call the girls and get ready for tonight, you can have the shower first,” I offered.

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